What RDF means?
What RDF means?
RDF stands for Resource Description Framework and is a standard for describing web resources and data interchange, developed and standardized with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
What is RDF model?
Resource Description Framework (RDF) RDF is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. RDF has features that facilitate data merging even if the underlying schemas differ, and it specifically supports the evolution of schemas over time without requiring all the data consumers to be changed.
What is RDF in DBMS?
RDF, which stands for Resource Description Framework, is a model for data publishing and interchange on the Web standardized by W3C. Being a graph database, triplestores store data as a network of objects with materialized links between them.
What is RDF datasets?
An RDF dataset is defined as a collection of RDF graphs where all but one are named graphs associated with an IRI or blank node (the graph name), and the unnamed default graph [ RDF11-CONCEPTS ].
Is RDF a data model?
What is RDF? ¶ The Resource Description Framework, more commonly known as RDF, is a graph data model that formally describes the semantics, or meaning of information. It also represents metadata, that is, data about data.
How is RDF used?
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a general framework for representing interconnected data on the web. RDF statements are used for describing and exchanging metadata, which enables standardized exchange of data based on relationships. RDF is used to integrate data from multiple sources.
Is RDF a biomass?
HoSt biomass- and waste-fired boiler installations can be fired with a great range of biomass fuels such as RDF (Refuse-Derived Fuel), wood, straw, chaff, olive pulp, chicken manure and poultry litter or other (organic) waste.
What are RDF plastics?
RDF stands for Refuse Derived Fuel. This fuel is produced from combustible components that the industry calls Municipal Solid Waste – MSW for short. This waste, usually taken from industrial or commercial sites, is shred, dried, baled and then finally burned to produce electricity.