Is ITT International legit?

ITT International TEFL and TESOL are rated very highly in the online TEFL business and what you are guaranteed to receive from them is great support during the course and great support with finding a job in one of the many countries they have connections with.

Is International TEFL and TESOL training accredited?

International TEFL and TESOL training (ITTT) is an accredited TEFL course provider with educational centers located in dozens of countries around the world, from Guatemala to South Africa to Vietnam. They also offer accredited TEFL online courses.

Is the International TEFL Academy legit?

When searching for International TEFL Academy reviews, most people want to know if they are trustworthy and legitimate. My answer is yes, absolutely! If you are looking for a legitimate TEFL school that cares about you and has your back from start to finish, ITA is an obvious choice.

What does Level 5 TEFL mean?

What is a Level 5 qualification? A Level 5 TEFL qualification is an equivalent level to a CELTA or Foundation Degree. This level is ideal for accessing the best TEFL jobs out there. Better paid TEFL jobs, whether that’s online or abroad, will be more accessible.

Is a TEFL certificate worth it?

Is TEFL Certification worth it? Yes. If you want to get a good teaching job and be an effective teacher for your students, then it is definitely worth it. Remember, most schools worldwide require a TEFL certification; and once you’re certified you can the ball rolling on applying and interviewing for jobs.

How much do TEFL teachers get paid?

The pay to teach English abroad varies, but you can expect to earn a decent salary. In top-paying countries, teachers can get paid a salary of anywhere from $2,000 to over $5,000 USD per month. Your TEFL salary will depend on your position, qualifications and the country you teach in.

Is International TEFL Academy hard?

It is very rare for any student to fail an International TEFL Academy TEFL Certification course. International TEFL Academy has a passing rate of over 90% (one of the highest passing rates of any TEFL school worldwide).

What is the highest TEFL qualification?

The highest of all of the TEFL qualification levels, a DELTA is equivalent to a master’s degree. As you can imagine, this is definitely not your average TEFL course! Of all the different TEFL levels, a Level 7 course is best if you’re looking to open your own language school or teach new TEFL teachers.

Is 120 hour TEFL enough?

Generally 120 hours minimum is the most common requirement, but some countries only require 100 hours or have no preference at all. Most employers prefer to hire English teachers with an internationally recognized TEFL certification from a 100-120-hour course.