What is the meaning of nodded in one word?

Definition of nod 1 : to make a quick downward motion of the head whether deliberately (as in expressing assent or salutation) or involuntarily (as from drowsiness) She nodded in agreement. The guard nodded to us as we walked in. He sat nodding by the fire.

How do you use nod in a sentence?

Nod sentence example

  1. At his nod , she leaned back in her seat.
  2. His nod was brief.
  3. Her nod was hesitant.
  4. At his nod , she turned.
  5. Clad in the dark blue uniform of the police, Travis gave a nod of recognition as he passed him.
  6. If you can move your head, nod for yes, and shake for no.
  7. At Carmen’s nod , Katie sighed.

What does come to an agreement mean?

to come to an agreement: to find a solution that pleases or suits everyone.

What is the synonym of nodded?

Past tense for to approve, affirm or agree with a nod.

What is the opposite of nodded?

Verb. ▲ Opposite of past tense for to approve, affirm or agree with a nod. disagreed. disapproved.

Does nod mean yes or no?

We’re all familiar with the nod: an up-and-down movement of the head, often repeated. It’s among our most commonly produced bodily signals, so common we barely register it. And we all know, of course, what it means: agreement, affirmation, sympathy. In a word: ‘yes’.

Is a nod to synonym?

“Carnegie would surely have given an approving nod to the latest generation of philanthropists.”…What is another word for nod to?

salute greet
hail nod
address accost
recognizeUS curtsy
recogniseUK reply

How do you say come to an agreement?

agree; come to an agreement; compromise.

How do you come to an agreement with someone?

Here are five ways you can come into an agreement with someone else:

  1. Stop and listen.
  2. Ask questions to gain full comprehension.
  3. Share and collaborate ideas.
  4. Accept and acknowledge when someone else’s idea or view is better than yours.
  5. Find common ground to agree on.

What is opposite of nodded?

Opposite of past tense for to approve, affirm or agree with a nod. disagreed. disapproved. argued. debated.

What is opposite of nod?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for nod. disapprobation, disapproval, disfavor.

Why do we nod?

We’re accustomed to using head movements as a form of communication with others. We generally nod in approval when we hear something we like, and shake in disapproval when we don’t like whatever we’re seeing or hearing. That becomes ingrained in the subconscious. Nodding means yes, shaking means no.