How much horsepower does a tractor need to run a round baler?

PTO Horsepower If you are buying a baler first, keep horsepower requirements in mind when pairing with a tractor. PTO horsepower requirements for round balers start at 30 hp and can run up to 120 hp.

How big of a tractor do I need for a round baler?

PTO HP (Minimum) The low horsepower round balers, like the 450E, 450M, and 550M models can be paired with any of the John Deere 5-Series or 6-Series utility tractors. The MegaWide models that require a minimum of 125 PTO HP need to be paired with a more heavy duty tractor like a 4WD or Row Crop tractor.

How much does a mini round hay baler cost?

Drawbar Kit for TX31 Mini Round Balers – $799.00.

How much HP do I need to run a 5×6 baler?

It will work on 60 hp. It works a lot better on 75 hp, particularly in silage. Given you’d have about the same weight in the bale, I’d think similar power would be required as a minimum.

How much HP is a JD 4020?

The 4020 Diesel has a six-cylinder engine tested at 84 drawbar and 91 PTO horsepower. John Deere’s Syncro Range transmission with 8 forward speeds and two reverse speeds was standard, a power shift transmission was optional.

How much do 4×4 round bales weigh?

How Much Does a Round Bale of Hay Weigh? A 4’x4′ round bale of legumes like alfalfa weighs about 600 lbs (272 kg). A 4’x5′ bale weighs 950 lbs (430 kg). A 5’x5′ bale weighs 1,200 lbs (540 kg) and a 5’x6′ bale weighs 1,500 lbs (680 kg).

How big are mini round bales?

The size of a mini round bale is roughly the same as the small square bales most people are used to seeing. They generally weigh 40-55 pounds and can be easily lifted by one person. The mini round baler can be connected to the tractor either by the 3-point hitch or by a drawbar.

Is there a market for mini hay bales?

This has been true for a number of years. Although many livestock producers have adapted feeding systems to accommodate large bale packages, there is still a significant market share that desire small square bales and are willing to pay a premium for the product.

What size Bale does a JD 535 make?

The John Deere 535 is a pull-type, 540 rpm PTO driven baler with a variable cylindrical chamber and a drum pickup. The 535 baler produces hard core bales measuring 5.1 ft (1.6 m) wide and 1. 2. 3.