Where can I get CPF nomination form?

We encourage you to make your CPF nomination online at my cpf Online Services. Alternatively, you can visit any of our CPF Service Centres and complete the CPF Nomination Form in the presence of our Customer Service Executives (CSEs) who can act as your witnesses and clarify any questions you may have.

Is CPF nomination in cash?

The default option is to make a cash nomination, which allows your nominee to receive CPF money in cash (via cheque or GIRO).

Can CPF nomination be done online?

You can make a nomination online by logging in to my cpf Online Services with your Singpass. You will need to appoint two witnesses to witness your nomination, and they must each possess a valid Singpass to log in to my cpf Online Services to witness your nomination.

What happens to CPF when someone dies?

CPF savings will be distributed to the nominee(s). If you’re a nominee, we’ll contact you within 15 working days from notification of the member’s demise. You can then apply to make a withdrawal from the deceased’s CPF account and receive his/her CPF savings in cash or GIRO.

Who can be witness for CPF nomination?

You will also require two witnesses with a valid SingPass each to witness your nomination via the CPF website. Visit any of our CPF Service Centres and complete the nomination form in the presence of our Customer Service Executives. They can act as your witnesses and clarify any questions you may have.

What happens if I do not make a CPF nomination?

If you don’t make a CPF nomination, the money will be distributed via intestacy laws. It will take time to locate the legally-entitled beneficiaries, and a fee will be payable to the Public Trustee’s Office to make the distribution.

What happens if I don’t make CPF nomination?

If you don’t have a CPF nomination, your CPF savings will be transferred to the Public Trustee’s Office (PTO) for distribution to your family members after your death. The PTO will charge an administration fee for the distribution of your savings without a nomination.

Can I nominate my CPF to my child?

You can nominate a minor who is below 18 years old. However, if he is below the age of 18 at the time of claim, his share will be released to the Public Trustee’s Office for administration until he reaches 18 years of age.

What happens to CPF after death if no nomination?

If the person who has died did not make a valid nomination, the CPF Board will send their CPF money to us, as required by law. The CPF Board will also send us the CPF money of a person who has died if the person chosen to receive that money is under 18 years old (unless she is a widow).

Can a friend be a nominee?

In simple words, a nomination is a process of selecting one or more nominees for your policy. It will be the nominee who will receive the proceeds of your life insurance policy on your demise. It could be your spouse, parents, children, distant relative, or even a friend.

What is the difference between nominee and beneficiary?

A nominee is a person who holds the property of the deceased until he has to distribute this property to the legal heirs. In a life insurance policy, the beneficiary is an individual who you have to nominate to receive the policy proceeds after an unfortunate incident takes place.

How do I claim a deceased CPF without the nomination?