Can you eat green cardamom pods?

Green cardamom pods have small black seeds inside; both pod and seeds are edible. The flavor is lightly sweet. Black cardamom is quite fragrant and has a pungent, almost smoky flavor. It is used whole to season dishes, then removed before serving.

Should you crush cardamom pods?

You will have to split or crush the pods to expose the seeds to be used for slow-cooking. Biting into these seeds tends to be unpleasant. When using these seeds, bruising with the back of the knife is a must. You can also toast and grind them.

Do you grind the whole green cardamom pod?

How to Shop for It: Green cardamom is sold as whole pods, ground, and as seeds alone. To preserve more volatile flavor compounds, buy whole pods and grind them as needed. Look for intact pods, which offer more protection to the seeds inside.

Do you eat cardamom pods or seeds?

People may use cardamom seeds and pods in curries, desserts, and meat dishes, as well as in beverages, such as coffee and chai tea. People may also take cardamom as a supplement for its health benefits.

Do you use the whole cardamom pod?

For the boldest flavor, always start with whole pods since ground cardamom is more mild. If your recipe calls for whole pods, lightly toast them in a pan over medium heat until they’re aromatic, and remember to take them out before serving.

Do you use the shell of a cardamom pod?

Cardamom is used in flavoring both sweet and savory dishes. Often the pods are used whole. They can be heated in oil to impart flavor and doing so can sometimes cause them to pop open and release the seeds. The seed pods are not edible and should be discarded prior to serving (or just avoided during eating).

How do you remove cardamom seeds from pods?

Store the cardamom pods in an airtight container until you are ready to use them. Remove the seeds from the cardamom pod by placing the pod in the mortar and pounding it with the pestle. Use gentle pressure and the pod should pop open, releasing the seeds.

How do you eat a green cardamom?

You can chew on this pod but if you find the flavour to be too strong, then as easy way to use cardamom is to scoop out these seeds and crush them gently. This can then be added to your daily cup of tea, coffee, milk or simply has with a glass of warm water and honey.

Can I use cardamom pods instead of ground?

One cardamom pod is the equivalent of 1/6 teaspoon of ground cardamom. That means you’ll need to buy six pods for every teaspoon of cardamom that your recipe calls for. If the recipe calls for one teaspoon of cardamom, start with a quarter teaspoon of cloves and quarter teaspoon cinnamon.