What is the difference between Portra 400 and 160?

The Portra film lines are known for their their natural warmth (Portra 160 has red and brown undertones while Portra 400 has undertones of orange and yellow). This means that colors will be rendered differently than other films such as the well-known Fuji 400H.

Is Portra 400 or 800 better?

Given that Portra 800 is so expensive, if you’re equally a fan of both, I would opt for Portra 400 for the savings. That said, if you tend to shoot Portra 400 metered at 200, you might prefer having the extra stop of light shooting Portra 800 at 400.

Is Portra 400 the best?

It’s easily one of the most versatile and forgiving films and on top of that, it produces beautiful results. 400 iso is a great in-between – it’s great for our outdoor shooting as well as shooting in lower light and for being a 400 iso film it has a very fine grain that’s barely noticeable when exposed properly.

When can I use Portra 800?

KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA 800 Film delivers well balanced color saturation, very fine grain, and best-in-class underexposure latitude. This film is ideal for long lenses and low light situations. For natural skin tone reproduction, and enhanced color in the most difficult lighting, PORTRA 800 is the film of choice.

What ISO should I use for Portra 160?

As others have suggested for the Kodak Portra, rate it at 100 ISO.

Is Portra 400 discontinued?

The Exciting Return of Fujifilm PRO 400H as Rebranded Kodak Portra 400. It seems that so many photographers have wanted it, and Fujifilm listened! Today, Fujifilm is announcing the return of Fujifilm PRO 400H. Back in January 2021, Fujifilm discontinued the film.

Is 400 or 800 film better?

The grain on Portra 400 and 800 are both extremely fine; however, due to the higher ISO, the fine grain on Portra 800 still looks different than the grain on Portra 400. In fact, Portra 800 has a high grain content and sets the stage for the main subject in your photo.

Which Kodak Portra is the best?

‌Kodak Portra 400‌ Best Uses: Kodak Portra 400 is often considered the most standard of the films. It’s not a bad idea to shoot it at ISO 200 and develop it at ISO 320. You can use it in pretty much any situation as long as you’ve got great lenses that let in a lot of light.