Can psoriatic arthritis cause ridges in fingernails?

It’s often one of the first signs that you have the disease. The changes can take many forms. Your nails might crumble or come away from your finger. You might notice ridges, tiny dents called pits, spots of blood, or a yellow or brown color.

What do your nails look like if you have psoriasis?

If you have psoriasis, it’s important to check your fingernails and toenails for signs of nail psoriasis. Common signs include: Tiny dents in your nails (called “nail pits”) White, yellow, or brown discoloration.

What causes ridging in fingernails?

What causes ridges in nails? Ridges in nails usually come from aging but can also indicate improper nail care, nail trauma, vitamin deficiency, or even a more pressing medical condition, according to 2022 research.

What does psoriatic arthritis nails look like?

Color changes. White, yellow, or brown discoloration and/or reddish marks (aka splinter hemorrhages, which are caused by tiny burst blood vessels under the nails) are common among people with psoriatic arthritis.

Will nail psoriasis go away?

Psoriatic nail disease can be difficult to treat and there is no cure. It doesn’t usually grow out without treatment, so can continue to cause problems. The appearance of the affected nails can also sometimes cause distress.

Can nail psoriasis go away on its own?

Can nail psoriasis go away on its own? There isn’t a cure for nail psoriasis. It’s a long-lasting (chronic) condition, which means flare-ups can occur throughout your life. You may have flare-ups and times when the symptoms go away (remission).

What deficiency causes ridges in finger nails?

Our nails naturally develop slight vertical ridges as we age. However, severe and raised ridges can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia. Nutritional deficiencies, such as a lack of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B12 or keratin can result in fingernail ridges. Hormonal changes can also cause ridges to appear.

Why are my nails bumpy vertically?

Symptoms of Onychorrhexis Rather than having a smooth nail, you might have nails with vertical grooves that feel bumpy. You might have other symptoms that indicate a fungal infection or more serious condition. These signs and symptoms include: Yellow nails.

What causes vertical striations in fingernails?

Vertical nail ridges are fairly common and nothing to worry about. Vertical nail ridges extend from the cuticle to the tip of the nail. With age, vertical nail ridges may become more numerous or prominent because of changes in cell turnover within the nail.