How do I set tab to 4 spaces in vi?

Within Vim, type a colon and then “set tabstop=4” which will set the tabs to display as four spaces. Hit colon again and type “set expandtab” which will insert spaces for tabs.

How do I permanently set tab size in Vim?

If anyone is interested in permanently changing the tab settings:

  1. find/open your .vimrc – instructions here.
  2. add the following lines: (more info here) set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab.
  3. then save file and test.

Where is the Vimrc file?

Global (System-wide) Vim Configuration File – vimrc The global or system-wide vim configuration file is generally located under the /etc/vim/vimrc . This configuration file is applied to all users and when Vim is started this configuration file is read and Vim is configured according to this file contents.

What is vimrc file?

The vimrc file contains optional runtime configuration settings to initialize Vim when it starts. On Unix based systems, the file is named .vimrc , while on Windows systems it is named _vimrc . : help vimrc. You can customize Vim by putting suitable commands in your vimrc.

How do I setup a vimrc file?


  1. add an echo “MY VIMRC LOADED” command to the . vimrc, and when you run vim again, you should see MY VIMRC LOADED printed in the terminal. Remove the echo command once you’ve verified that your. vimrc is loading.
  2. set a variable in your . vimrc that you can echo once vim is loaded. In the .

How do I open a vimrc file?

In the terminal, type vi . vimrc . This will create an empty vimrc system file which you want to use. In the file, type set number , and then hit Esc on the keyboard and type in :wq .

How do I use vimrc?

Do you need to source vimrc?

vimrc . If you use a plugin manager like Vundle and keep the list of plugins in ~/. vimrc , then you’ll need to source it after changing the list of installed plugins. There’s no need to quit and restart!

How do I open a vimrc file in Windows?

Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Advanced > Environment Variables > User | System Variables. Windows (both Native and Cygwin*) will use _gvimrc , . gvimrc , _vimrc and . vimrc in that order of priority.

What does vimrc stand for?

It’s either short for “runcom”, which is an abbreviation for “run commands”; or it’s “run control”. Other uses for the abbreviation are: runtime configuration. resource control. release candidate.