Can you use variables in range VBA?

In VBA we have a data type as a range that is used to define variables as a range that can hold a value of the range. These variables are very useful in complex programming and automation. Often variable range is used with the set statements and range method.

How do you select a variable range in Excel?

Selecting Cells in Excel

  1. Select the cell(s) to be copied.
  2. Click on copy (or) ctrl + c.
  3. Select the cell(s) into which the content needs to be pasted.
  4. Click on paste (or) ctrl + v.

How do you assign a range to a range variable in VBA?

Use the “Dim” keyword and enter the name of the variable. Declare keyword as Range. Type the name of the variable. Specify the range that you want to assign to the variable.

What is a range variable?

Range variables are sequences of values defined using the range operator: The range variable i is a sequence starting at 0 and finishing at 2 with a step size of 1 between each sequence value. You can change the step size by defining the second value of the sequence: The step size of the range variable j is 0.1.

How do you set a range in a macro?

Click on Insert tab > select Module. Step 2: Write the subprocedure for VBA Set Range as shown below. Step 3: Declare the variable using DIM as Range object as shown below. Step 4: Further setting up the range object with declared variable MyRange, we will then choose the cell which wants to include.

How do you use dynamic range in VBA?

Dynamic Range

  1. First, we declare one variable and two Range objects.
  2. We add the line which changes the background color of all cells to ‘No Fill’.
  3. We initialize rng with the numbers.
  4. We initialize maximum with the maximum value of the numbers.
  5. Finally, we color the maximum value.
  6. Add a number.