What is meant by official use only?

For Official Use Only (FOUO) is a document designation, not a classification. This designation is used by Department of Defense and a number of other federal agencies to identify information or material which, although unclassified, may not be appropriate for public release.

What does FOUO sensitive mean?

For Official Use Only
For Official Use Only (FOUO) FOUO is the marking used by DHS to identify Sensitive but UNCLASSIFIED information within the DHS. community, the unauthorized disclosure of which could adversely impact a person’s privacy or welfare, the.

Can FOUO be emailed?

FOUO information may be transmitted over official email channels. However, it shall not be sent to personal email accounts. For added security when transmitting FOUO information by email, password protected attachments may be used with the password transmitted or otherwise communicated separately.

Who can mark documents FOUO?

RFP Draft 4.0 – 27 Mar 00. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) UNCLASSIFIED CONTROLLED INFORMATION (UCI) Explained. FOUO is a government generated protective marking. The Government is solely responsible for marking documents “FOUO” in accordance with the protection Guidance Matrix.

What replaced for official use only?

U.S. Department of Defense On 6 March 2020, the DoD replaced DoDM 5200.01 Volume 4 with Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). The term “FOUO” had been defined in DoDM 5200.01 Vol 4.

What is the difference between FOUO and CUI?

“CUI” replaces legacy markings in the header, footer, and portion markings. While “CUI” does not need to be preceded by an unclassified marking such as “U” in “U//FOUO”, any portions or subparagraphs should be properly marked “U” or “CUI” in a mixed document.


For Official Use Only (FOUO) Statement SSNs are personal and unique to each individual. Protect them and other PII by adding the FOUO Statement to websites and documents. Within DOD, do not disclose PII to anyone without an official need to know.

Is FOUO controlled unclassified information?

The Department of Defense recently adopted “Controlled Unclassified Information” as the identifier for sensitive information. The Administrative Assistant for security to the Secretary of the Air force issued Air Force Guidance Memorandum 2020-16-01 July 23 to implement the new CUI policy.

Can you take FOUO documents home?

FOUO documents may be destroyed by shredding or tearing into pieces and discarding the pieces in a regular trash container unless circumstances suggest a need for more careful protection. Administrative penalties may be imposed for misuse of FOUO information.

Is FOUO still valid?

Answer: Once agencies implement the CUI Program, legacy markings such as FOUO or SBU will no longer be used.

Is FOUO classified information?

FOUO is not to be considered classified information. or assist in a lawful and authorized governmental function, i.e., access is required for the performance of official duties. defined in DHS MD Number 0010.1, Management Directive System and DHS Announcements. information (CII) is defined in 6 U.S.C.

Can FOUO still be used?