How many girls died in the 16th Street Baptist Church?

four girls
Described by Martin Luther King Jr. as “one of the most vicious and tragic crimes ever perpetrated against humanity”, the explosion at the church killed four girls and injured between 14 and 22 other people.

Is Maxine mcnair still alive?

January 2, 2022Maxine McNair / Died

How old was Addie Mae Collins when died?

14 years (1949–1963)Addie Mae Collins / Age at death

How many people died in the church bombing?

416th Street Baptist Church bombing / Number of deaths

What statues are in Kelly Ingram Park?

A limestone sculpture by Raymond Kaskey depicts three ministers, John Thomas Porter, Nelson H. Smith, and A. D. King, kneeling in prayer. The Four Spirits sculpture was unveiled at Kelly Ingram Park on September, 2013 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing.

Where is Denise McNair buried?

Elmwood Cemetery & Mausoleum, Birmingham, ALCarol Denise McNair / Place of burial

Where is Addie Mae Collins buried?

Greenwood Cemetery, Birmingham, MIAddie Mae Collins / Place of burial

Addie Mae Collins was one of the four little girls murdered in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing back in 1963. She was buried at Greenwood Cemetery in Birmingham, but her body has been missing for years.

What happened at Kelly Ingram Park?

Kelly Ingram Park (historically known as West Park), was an assembly point for participants in the SCLC’s Project “C,” (for Confrontation)–sit-ins, boycotts, marches, and jailings designed to end segregation in Birmingham.

Why is it called Kelly Ingram Park?

The park was named in 1932 for local firefighter Osmond Kelly Ingram, who was the first sailor in the United States Navy to be killed in World War I.

Which president pushed for a civil rights Act after he witnessed the violence in Birmingham?

The bombings and riots in Birmingham, Alabama, on May 11, 1963, compelled Kennedy to call in federal troops. On June 19, 1963, the president sent a comprehensive civil rights bill to Congress.