Does Walt Longmire sleep with Vic?

After Cady is assaulted in Philadelphia, Vic (who was assisting the police in the investigation) and Walt have sex.

Who is the cast of Longmire in Season 2 Episode 11?

Cast & Crew

  • Robert Taylor. Walt Longmire.
  • Lou Diamond Phillips. Henry Standing Bear.
  • Katee Sackhoff. Victoria Moretti.
  • Bailey Chase. Branch Connally.
  • Cassidy Freeman. Cady Longmire.
  • Louanne Stephens. Ruby. Guest Star.
  • A Martinez. Jacob Nighthorse. Guest Star.
  • Jim Beaver. Lee Rosky. Guest Star.

Does Walt Longmire fall in love with Vic?

The biggest one, arguably, is the blossoming romance between Vic and Walt. Vic deals with her fear of losing Walt as he places himself in dangerous situation after dangerous situation to finally bring down Malachi. The two finally recognize their feelings for each other toward the end of the show and make love.

Is Vic pregnant with Longmire’s baby?

Vic was pregnant at the end of season 5, but not very far along. Early in season 6 she is shot and loses the baby. The grieving process over that loss was explored in season 6. It gave Katee Sackhoff a chance to show more emotional depth that she previously has in this part.

What happens to Ferg on Longmire?

Hence, the primary reason why we got to another violent confrontation. At the end of the episode it was none other than The Ferg who shot and killed him, right after Harp proclaimed that Ferg didn’t have the guts to pull the trigger.

Why is Vic being stalked in Longmire?

Ed Gorski was a police officer from Philadelphia, where he had an extramarital affair with Vic Moretti. After she turned in his partner, Bobby, he began stalking her. This prompted her move to Durant, Wyoming; but he eventually followed her to their new home.

How does Longmire Season 3 end?

That’s called ending your season with a bang. As A&E’s Longmire closed Season 3 on Monday night, Walt dug up the truth about Miller Beck’s murder, while Branch uncovered some damning family secrets of his own — for better or for worse.

When did Walt and Vic sleep together?

The first and most ‘explicit’ (though not really) was in book 3, Kindness Goes Unpunished. As for the ‘where’ – they were on the sofa in his daughter, Cady’s apartment in Philadelphia. It has happened multiple times since then, but it’s usually only alluded to.