What is 1.67 high index single vision?

The High Index (1.67 index) lens material is a great choice for high-power prescriptions. High Index 1.67 lenses are thinner and lighter than every material except High Index 1.74. They have 100% UV protection and work well with most frame styles.

What is AR Crizal Avance UV?

Crizal Avancé UV lenses offer enhanced scratch resistance to help protect your lenses. Plus, they provide dust and dirt repellence for clearer vision and less frequent cleaning.

When should I get 1.67 high index lenses?

1.67 High Index This lens index is an excellent option for those with an extra-strong prescription. 1.67 high index lenses are suitable for prescriptions with an: SPH correction of +/- 7.00 and +/- 9.00, and; CYL correction of +/- 3.25 and +/- 4.00.

What is the difference between 1.6 and 1.67 lens?

A mid-index lens of refractive index 1.6, approximately 20% thinner than a standard lens. A high-index lens of refractive index 1.67 will be approx. 33% thinner, whereas a lens with a refractive index of 1.74 will be around 42% thinner.

Is UV protection on glasses worth it?

Having UV protection on your glasses means that the lenses they’re equipped with can guard against the sunlight’s UV rays. This special quality makes it easier to see in bright-light conditions, protects your eyes against the harmful effects of the sun, and lessens the amount of squinting you have to do.

Is Crizal Avance worth it?

For some people, Crizal lenses are a worthwhile investment. Reducing glare can make nighttime driving more comfortable and be a big help if you find yourself under bright lights frequently. However, blue light from computers and smartphones has not been proven to cause permanent eye damage.

Is Crizal Avance still available?

UPDATE May, 2021: with the arrival of Crizal Rock, Crizal Avance will be phased out. Join the Icare family today! For more information on all our lens add-ons CLICK HERE.

What is the difference between 1.61 and 1.67 index lenses?

1.67 high-index lenses surpass in thinness and lightness when compared to 1.61 high-index lenses. It helps with eye distortion caused by stronger prescriptions and is ideal for individuals with an SPH correction between +/- 7.00 and +/- 9.00, and a CYL correction between +/- 3.25 and +/- 4.00.

Is 1.67 A high index?

One can get high-index lenses for any prescription but are recommended for high prescriptions. The 1.67 high-index lens material is a great choice for prescriptions between +/-6.00 to +/-8.00 sphere and above 3.00 cylinder. The lenses are thinner and lighter than standard lenses.

What index glasses should I get?

A high-index lens may be recommended if your optical prescription is above 2.00 diopters. High-index lenses have a refractive index above 1.50— ranging from 1.53 to 1.74. The image below compares the lens thickness of a regular plastic lens (1.50) to the most commonly prescribed high-index lenses.

Can you wear UV glasses all the time?

Night-time blue light glasses shouldn’t be used at all during the day. They’re crafted for use after sunset and using them during the daytime when we are naturally exposed to sunlight may cause sleepiness. Not to mention, the red tint in the lenses is not something you want all day!