What is rare on MSP?

Retired clothing (or “rare” clothing) is a group of clothing items in MovieStarPlanet that are no longer obtainable by regular means unless brought back during Rare Week. These items were all once sold in the shop, but have since been removed. Many players refer to these items as “rares”.

What time does MSP change themes?

Every Thursday, a new theme comes out. This means new clothes, animations, items, and backgrounds. The themes vary – one week it may be fun and colorful, like Edgy Pastels, and next week it may be slightly darker, like a Scary School.

How old is Mybeau on MSP?

Mybeau is a regular user of MovieStarPlanet (US). She is Level 101 (Lifetime Moviestar). She is currently in the 1st spot of the US highscores list….Mybeau.

No Title
No Title No information

Does MSP delete inactive accounts?

Conversation. Rest assured that we will not delete accounts that have purchased VIP, no matter how inactive! Cleaning up of inactive users targets only players who have not engaged with the game & only very low levels that have not logged in for 4 months might be removed from the game.

What does exo mean on MSP?


Abbreviation Meaning Extra Info
exo exotic set colors An item whose colors differ from the original colors
ct color trade Looking for the same item, just in a different color
nft not for trade The item is not for trade
rw rare week An item that has been featured in a past rare week

Does MSP still do rare week?

Although Rare Week is one of the bigger events on MovieStarPlanet, there is not a set week that it occurs in. Based on the release date of past Rare Weeks, the event is most likely to occur sometime in the fall during the months of August, September, or October.

How do you get rid of your pet on MovieStarPlanet?

That is why it’s possible to change your pet. All you have to do is go to the Shopping area. It costs 6 Diamonds and it’s super easy. Select one of your Pets or Boonies, then click “Change” to change it into a different type.

Who is Mybeau?

Mybeau is on MovieStarPlanet (US). She is level 101 (Lifetime Movie Star), and is in the top spot on the US highscores board, after passing the user Pumpchkin. Currently, her account is owned by her cousin, Samantha.

What’s the age limit for movie star planet?

MovieStarPlanet offers websites and apps for children between mainly 8 and 15 years. As part of our child safeguarding policy, MovieStarPlanet does not encourage the use of the site by adults (those over 18 years).