Is it real trooper or real trouper?

The original spelling of the phrase is “a real trouper,” but more and more people are using the “real trooper” spelling—so much so that it has surpassed the original spelling in a corpus of text from published books.

When you say someone is a trooper?

noun. 2. 1. The definition of a trooper is a soldier, police officer or cavalry horse, or is slang for a person who is willing to participate in difficult situations.

What is another word for trouper?

What is another word for trouper?

actor player
thespian impersonator
mummer performer
thesp artiste
entertainer theatrical

What does work like a trouper mean?

approving. anyone with a lot of experience who can be depended on and does not complain: Thanks for being such a trouper, and helping out all evening. He took his disappointment like a trouper.

What is a trouper trooper?

In the phrase above, you should use trouper instead of trooper. A trouper is a person who is a member of a troupe (a group of performers, such as actors). A trooper is a soldier (a member of a group of troops), a police officer (such as a state trooper), or a person in a similar category of jobs.

What does taking it like a trooper mean?

like a trooper in American English with great energy, enthusiasm, or display. He swears like a trooper.

Where did the term trooper come from?

Etymology. From troop +‎ -er, from French troupe. The sense of “one who endures adversity” comes from trouper (“member of an acting troupe”) but through assimilation with the sense of “soldier” has come to be usually spelled “trooper”.

What is a trooper or trouper?

A trouper is a person who is a member of a troupe (a group of performers, such as actors). A trooper is a soldier (a member of a group of troops), a police officer (such as a state trooper), or a person in a similar category of jobs.

What does the idiom like a trooper mean?

with great energy, enthusiasm
with great energy, enthusiasm, or display. He swears like a trooper.

How do you spell you’re a trooper?

A trooper is a soldier (a member of a group of troops), a police officer (such as a state trooper), or a person in a similar category of jobs. We use trouper in the phrase above and similar phrases (such as he is such a trouper) when we refer to a person who has overcome obstacles.

What does a swag mean?

That’s a slang word that refers to stylish confidence. It shows up in songs (“Check out my swag, yo / I walk like a ballplayer”—Jay Z) and social media hashtags, but this word derives from swagger, not from stolen goods. And though it sounds newer than the “free stuff” swag, this swag is actually older.