What is unstirred water layer?

The presence of an aqueous diffusion layer or ‘unstirred’ water layer adjacent to the intestinal membrane has long been regarded as a potential barrier for intestinal absorption of compounds.

What is the meaning of water layer?

Water Layer means a layer of water that floats above the denser solvent and provides control of solvent emissions. In many cases, the solvent used in batch cold cleaning machines is sold containing the appropriate amount of water to create a water cover.

What is the meaning of unstirred?

not stirred or beaten
Definition of ‘unstirred’ 1. (of liquids or particulate matter) not stirred or beaten (as with a spoon) 2. (of emotions) not stirred or moved; undisturbed.

What is the function of enterocytes cells?

The main function of enterocytes is to absorb molecules from the gut lumen and their transport toward the surrounding connective tissue and blood vessels.

Is Unstirring a word?

Unstirring definition Without stirring; quiet and still.

What are characteristics of enterocytes?

Enterocytes (E) are tall columnar cells with an oval, basally located nucleus (n). Their characteristic features are the presence of microvilli (m), which enhance apical surface area, and a tight junction (tj), allowing a tight and continuous junction between two adjacent cells.

How do enterocytes absorb?

Enterocytes in the small intestine absorb large amounts of sodium ion from the lumen, both by cotransport with organic nutrients and by exchange with protons.

What type of word is unmoved?

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity. having no emotional response; feeling no pity, sadness, passion, enthusiasm, etc.: He came crying for help, but his family was unmoved—they were worn down from years of helping him to no avail.

What is the synonym of unmoved?

adjective. 1’he was totally unmoved by her outburst’ unaffected, untouched, unstirred, unimpressed, unperturbed, unruffled, untroubled, undismayed, unworried. aloof, cool, cold, stolid, stony, stony-hearted, hard-hearted, dry-eyed. unconcerned, uncaring, indifferent, uninterested, unflappable, apathetic.