What is INERGEN gas system?

The Inergen gaseous system is an inert gas fire suppressant consisting of natural gases and extinguishes fire without causing harm to people, property or the environment.

What is INERGEN gas suppression system?

The INERGEN Fire Suppression System protects enclosed areas where people may be present, fire may strike day or night, and damage from conventional agents cannot be tolerated. Upon discharge, INERGEN agent fills the room, mixing with the air to suppress fires quickly and effectively.

Is INERGEN safe to breathe?

Inergen systems reduce oxygen concentration only enough to suppress combustion while stimulating breathing efficiency. * Inergen is non-toxic, and does not threaten the health. Inergen has almost the same density as normal atmospheric air.

What is INERGEN system and its components?

INERGEN® is a mixture of 52% Nitrogen, 40% Argon and 8% CO2. However, in the event of a fire, when INERGEN® is discharged, it mixes with the air present in the room to create a mixture that comprises of 67.3% Nitrogen, 12.5% Oxygen, 17% Argon and 3.2% Carbon Dioxide.

Is INERGEN safe?

It is used as a total flooding agent which extinguishes fires by diluting the oxygen concentration within an area to a point below the level that will support combustion. The component gases of the INERGEN mixture are non-toxic.

Who manufactures INERGEN?

The INERGEN Fire Suppression System, manufactured by Tyco, is an engineered clean-agent system utilizing a fixed nozzle agent distribu-tion network. The system is designed and installed in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 2001, ”Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems.

Is INERGEN fire suppression safe?

Safe for People INERGEN agent is nontoxic and doesn’t produce corrosive decomposition products. Halocarbon (chemical) alternatives can create dangerous levels of hydrogen fluoride in the presence of fire. INERGEN agent is safe for people in a number of other ways.

Is INERGEN a halon?

Thus INERGEN functions as both an extinguishing and inerting agent. as do the existing halons and some of the replacements. Unlike the existing halons and their announced replacements, INERGEN has no resulting decomposition products such as the halogen acids.

Is INERGEN clean agent?

INERGEN is a clean, non-conductive and natural fire suppression agent that won’t damage valuable assets. Many archival organizations use INERGEN agent to protect irreplaceable items such as artwork, historic documents and antiquities. INERGEN agent is nontoxic and doesn’t produce corrosive decomposition products.

Which gas is used in Novec system?

Novec 1230 fire protection fluid extinguishes a fire before it starts by rapidly removing heat. In a typical total flooding system, the fluid is stored as a liquid in cylinders pressurized with nitrogen.

What is the difference between NOVEC and FM-200?

The two types of systems differ when it comes to their impact on the environment. Both agents cause no ozone depletion, either. FM200 has a global warming potential of around 3500, while Novec 1230 has a global warming potential of 1, making it the environmentally-friendly choice.

What is the chemical in Novec 1230?

Novec 1230 Fire Protection Fluid is based on a proprietary chemical from 3M called a fluroroketone. The full chemical name for this compound is dodecafluoro-2-methylpentan-3-one. Its ASHRAE nomenclature – the way it is designated in the NFPA and ISO 14520 clean agent standards – is FK-5-1-12.

Why choose Inergen® gaseous fire suppression?

INERGEN® Conventional 300 bar inert gaseous fire suppression systems are ideally suited for medium sized “Business Critical Areas” of protection.” It is controlled by a Conventional fire detection and alarm system specifically designed and dedicated for gas release. more INERGEN® Direct Orifice System Gaseous Fire Suppression

How does Inergen work?

When INERGEN agent is discharged into a room, it introduces the proper mixture of gases that still allow a person to breathe in a reduced oxygen atmosphere. It actually enhances the body’s ability to assimilate oxygen.

What are the components of an Inergen fire detection system?

It comprises of a number of ionisation and optical smoke detectors, manual break glass units, visual status units, electronic bells and sounder/strobe units, shutdown and interface facilities. The field detection equipment is cabled to an Inergen Conventional extinguishant control panel located adjacent to the main entrance to the risk area.

What is Inergen fire extinguishing system?

INERGEN is an effective fire extinguishing agent that can be used on many types of fires. INERGEN extinguishing system units are designed for total flooding protection against Class A surface burning, Class B flammable liquid, and Class C fires occurring within an enclosure by lowering the oxygen content below the level that supports combustion.