How many declaration of independence are there?

Of the 26 known to exist today, one print resides in North Texas. There’s a rare piece of American history tucked into the Dallas Public Library — an original print of the Declaration of Independence. It’s the only copy on display west of the Mississippi River.

How much is the Declaration of Independence worth?

Declaration of Independence Sells for $2.4 Million – The New York Times.

Where is the original U.S. Constitution?

the National Archives museum
Located on the upper level of the National Archives museum, the Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom is the permanent home of the original Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, and Bill of Rights.

How much is a copy of the Declaration of Independence?

Probably the most common question we get in the Americana department is “I found an original copy of the Declaration of Independence—is it worth anything?” The short answer: it’s worth somewhere between zero and ten million dollars.

Who owns Declaration of Independence?

List of extant Dunlap broadsides

# Location Owner
1 New Haven, Connecticut Beinecke Library, Yale University
2 Bloomington, Indiana Lilly Library, Indiana University
3 Portland, Maine Maine Historical Society
4 Chicago, Illinois Chicago Historical Society

Can the Declaration of Independence be stolen?

A few thieves throughout history have stolen from the National Archives, but no one has ever pulled off a Nicolas Cage-style robbery of the Declaration.

How many copies of the US Constitution exist?

There are 13 extant original copies of the Constitution in known existence.

Who really wrote the Constitution?

James Madison is known as the Father of the Constitution because of his pivotal role in the document’s drafting as well as its ratification.