How do you power up the radio at the castle in Fallout 4?

Use the power conduit at the front of the tower, the one on top of the blue/grey console. It requires 10 power in case you didn’t notice. I have 3 wires hooked up to the Radio, one from a large generator, and 2 from a medium generator.

How do I set up the radio in Fallout 4?

Approach the Radio Equipment Slot, and install each radio part that you took from the crate. Note that you must insert the parts in a particular order to increase the transmitter’s power charge, indicated by the green lights on the transmitter. Install the parts in this order: buttons, dials, then tubes.

How do I restore power to the castle in Fallout 4?

On one of the doors leading to the interior there is a little power pole or relay. Connect a medium generator to that, and it will light up the entire inside of the castle and give the large water filtration unit that comes prebuilt with the castle power. That was it. Thanks!

How do you beat taking independence?

Destroy the eggs. Kill the Mirelurk Queen. Power up the radio transmitter….Getting rid of the regular mirelurks

  1. Draw Them Out – It’s the best option, which will allow you to avoid having to participate in one large battle with mirelurks.
  2. Pincer Attack – you will be attacking the mirelurks from two sides at once.

How do you connect a generator to a radio beacon in Fallout 4?

Once it is safe, you’ll need to create a radio beacon in the Workshop found in the small shack. After you create a beacon and a generator, you’ll need to attach a wire to get the beacon working. To do this, remain in Workshop mode and look for the “Attach Wire” option when highlighting the generator.

What happens if I record the speech Fallout 4?

He will ask the player to deliver a speech at a microphone beside a terminal near him. He gives an announcement script which one can dictate. After recording, he will then give the Sole Survivor the task of going to Diamond City to boost the range of Diamond City Radio.

How do you start a nuclear family in Fallout 4?

The Fallout 4 mission Nuclear Family is a main scenario quest, and is covered as part of IGN’s complete Walkthrough. This quest begins immediately after finishing Airship Down. Head back to The Institute and speak with Father.

How much power does the castle need?

You need 13 power attached to the switched pylon to run the lights and purifier. Or you can scrap that huge purifier. I had a separate water source already so that’s how I finally satisfied the castle’s power requirements.

Why is power red at the castle Fallout 4?

Originally posted by ThePathOfBloodâ„¢: you dont know much about settlements do you… it’s red because you’ve not built anything that requires power.. in the castle settlement, you have to build power generators for the main broadcast tower.

When should you retake the castle?

Once the Sole Survivor has recruited at least four settlements to the Minutemen cause, this quest can begin. The next time Preston is talked to, he will bring up the idea of retaking the Castle, suggesting that the radio transmitter there would help with communicating with the growing number of allied settlements.