What are the topics in mathematics 1?

Mathematics 1

  • Course summary.
  • Algebra foundations.
  • Solving equations & inequalities.
  • Working with units.
  • Linear equations & graphs.
  • Forms of linear equations.
  • Systems of equations.
  • Inequalities (systems & graphs)

What type of math is math 1 in high school?

Generally, Algebra 1 is the first math class you are required to take as part of your high school career. You’ll study real numbers, exploring solving, writing, and graphing linear equations. You’ll also learn polynomials as well as quadratic equations and functions.

What is the difference between math 1 and math 2?

Math Level 1 contains questions on items like algebraic expressions, coordinate geometry, data analysis and number sequences. Math Level 2 also addresses these topics, plus items like logarithmic functions and the law of cosines and sines. Both exams require that you answer 50 questions in 60 minutes.

What is covered in Integrated Math 1?

The students will learn mathematical sense-making, make and test conjectures and justify conclusions, use mathematical models to represent real-world data, be able to provide clear and concise answers, and have computational and symbolic fluency.

What subjects are in math 2?

Mathematics 2

  • Course summary.
  • Absolute value & piecewise functions.
  • Quadratics: Multiplying & factoring.
  • Quadratic functions & equations.
  • Irrational numbers. ——
  • Complex numbers.
  • Rational exponents and radicals.
  • Exponential models.

Is math 1 or math 2 harder?

Above all, the Math 2 is a significantly harder test than the Math 1. While both test similar material, the Math 2 manages to be trickier, test more specific material (formulas, equations, problem solving methods), and be much harder to finish in the 60-minute time limit.

Is Integrated Math 1 the same as algebra 1?

Traditionally, high school mathematics in the United States has been taught in the sequence of Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. Integrated mathematics re-imagines these courses as Math 1, Math 2, and Math 3, where algebraic, geometric, and statistical thinking are embedded throughout all three courses.

What is enhanced math 1?

The Integrated Math 1 Enhanced course will focus on topics in the following areas: (1) linear functions, (2) exponential functions and relationships, (3) modeling, (4) congruent figures, and (5) statistics beyond the previous high school standards.