What are seizures like with MS?

Symptoms vary depending on the type of seizure, but they may include twitching, a loss of consciousness, or involuntary jerking of the arms and legs. Treatment involves the same anti-seizure medications that treat epilepsy in people who do not have MS.

Does MS show up on EEG?

The 26 available interictal EEGs in MS patients showed abnormal EEG pattern in 22 (84.6%) of them, including focal epileptic form discharge or focal slowing in 10 (38.5%), generalized discharge (spike-wave, polyspike, or general paroxysmal fast activity) in 10 (38.5%), and general slowing activity in 10 record (38.5%).

What does a small seizure feel like?

Simple focal seizures: They change how your senses read the world around you: They can make you smell or taste something strange, and may make your fingers, arms, or legs twitch. You also might see flashes of light or feel dizzy. You’re not likely to lose consciousness, but you might feel sweaty or nauseated.

How does MS initially present?

Those symptoms include loss of vision in an eye, loss of power in an arm or leg or a rising sense of numbness in the legs. Other common symptoms associated with MS include spasms, fatigue, depression, incontinence issues, sexual dysfunction, and walking difficulties.

How does a neurologist diagnose MS?

Your neurologist will look for abnormalities, changes or weakness in your vision, eye movements, hand or leg strength, balance and co-ordination, speech and reflexes. These may show whether your nerves are damaged in a way that might suggest MS.

What bloodwork can indicate MS?

While there is no definitive blood test for MS, blood tests can rule out other conditions that cause symptoms similar to those of MS, including lupus erythematosis, Sjogren’s, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, some infections, and rare hereditary diseases.

Do people remember seizures?

In focal aware seizures (FAS), previously called simple partial seizures, the person is conscious (aware and alert) and will usually know that something is happening and will remember the seizure afterwards. Some people find their focal aware seizures hard to put into words.

Can a neurologist tell if you have MS?

MS is diagnosed by your neurologist. They will use a specific checklist to diagnose MS, known as the McDonald criteria. They’ll carry out a number of tests to run through the criteria, which could include blood tests and MRI.