Which is higher ISI or Scopus?

In general, Scopus provides a higher citation count than ISI, both in the Sciences and in the Social Sciences and Humanities. In the Sciences, this increase in only marginal (except for Computer Science), whilst in the Social Sciences and Humanities, this increase is substantial.

Are ISI indexed journals are good?

All Answers (167) As per my understanding, ISI indexed journals carry more weight as such journals are of Impact factors. There are many journals with lower or no impact factors but are ranked much higher.

What is Scopus and Clarivate?

scopus and clarivate is superb journal metrics and author metrics evaluation.

What is Scopus index and SCI index?

Where Scopus focuses on the independent journals in the research field of Science, Technology, Medicine, and Social Sciences, SCI indexes mainly the technical and scientific publications including natural and social sciences.

What does ISI index mean?

the Institute for Scientific Information
ISI means the Institute for Scientific Information, which developed and produced the Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI). If you login “Web of Science” then you can find an option “Journal citation report”.

What is ISI citation?

ISI Highly Cited is a database of “highly cited researchers”—scientific researchers whose publications are most often cited in academic journals over the past decade, published by the Institute of Science Index (ISI).

What does ISI mean in publishing?

The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) was an academic publishing service, founded by Eugene Garfield in Philadelphia in 1956. ISI offered scientometric and bibliographic database services. Its specialty was citation indexing and analysis, a field pioneered by Garfield.

What does ISI journal mean?

A journal is indexed in the Web of Science is used to be called an ISI journal. ISI means the Institute for Scientific Information, which developed and produced the Science Citation Index (SCI), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI).