What is a synonym for snappish?

In this page you can discover 32 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for snappish, like: waspish, cranky, cross, angry, touchy, cantankerous, captious, crabby, crabbed, bad-tempered and irritable.

What is the synonym of cunning?

Some common synonyms of cunning are artful, crafty, foxy, slick, sly, tricky, and wily. While all these words mean “attaining or seeking to attain one’s ends by guileful or devious means,” cunning suggests the inventive use of sometimes limited intelligence in overreaching or circumventing.

What is another word for the word this?

In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for this, like: it, another, that, which, these, itself, each, certain, in-that, some and what.

How do you use Snappishly in a sentence?

Meaning of snappishly in English angrily, or in a way that shows you are easily annoyed: “Of course I know what I’m doing!” she said, snappishly. “That is your business,” she answered, quite snappishly.

What is the synonym of irritable?

annoyed, contentious, exasperated, fractious, petulant, prickly, resentful, surly, testy, bearish, brooding, cantankerous, carping, choleric, complaining, crabbed, cross, crotchety, disputatious, dissatisfied.

What is the synonym of Sly?

synonyms for sly

  • canny.
  • impish.
  • ingenious.
  • intriguing.
  • mischievous.
  • roguish.
  • shrewd.
  • smart.

What is a cunning person?

1 : skillful and clever at using special knowledge or at getting something done a cunning craftsman. 2 : showing craftiness and trickery a cunning plot a cunning thief. cunning. noun.

Will also synonym?

Also Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for also?

and furthermore
moreover besides
further in addition
likewise plus
what is more after that

How do I replace this?


  1. aforementioned.
  2. already stated.
  3. here.
  4. previously mentioned.
  5. that.
  6. the indicated.
  7. the present.