What is the meaning of word dabble?

1 : to work or involve oneself superficially or intermittently especially in a secondary activity or interest dabbles in art. 2a : to paddle, splash, or play in or as if in water. b : to reach with the bill to the bottom of shallow water in order to obtain food.

Is dabble a real word?

verb (used without object), dab·bled, dab·bling. to play and splash in or as if in water, especially with the hands. to work at anything in an irregular or superficial manner: to dabble in literature.

What is Pektus?

pek·tus (pek′-toos) noun. An arcane technique involving the wrists, enabling things to spin and fly in glorious trajectory.

What is the Tagalog of bounty?

The English word “bounty” can be translated as the following word in Tagalog: pagpapalà – [noun] blessing; bounty; a prayer blessing someone 1 Example Sentence Available » more…

What is the opposite of dabble?

▲ Opposite of to take part in an activity in a casual, nonserious or superficial way. take seriously.

Do not dabble meaning?

/ˈdæb·əl/ to take a slight and not very serious interest in a subject or try a particular activity for a short period: I don’t paint much, I just dabble. (Definition of dabble from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

How do you use dabble?

Introduction to Dabble

  1. Moving Items: Drag and Drop.
  2. Performing Item-Specific Actions: The Custom Menu.
  3. Moving Items in your Manuscript.
  4. Reordering Plot and Story Notes.
  5. Rename Book: Change the name of your book.
  6. Add New Chapter: Add a Chapter to your book.
  7. Add New Part: Add a Part to your book (if you want to use them).

How do you use the word dabble?

Dabble in a Sentence ?

  1. The man touted his professional bowling skills but his wife revealed that they only dabble in the sport occasionally.
  2. Although I dabble in several sports, I do not consider myself a master of any.
  3. Feeling bored and out of place at the casino, I decided to dabble in a game of poker.

What is bounty hunter in Tagalog?

kapagbigayan noun. bounty. mangangaso noun. hunter, tracker, huntsman. More Filipino Translations.

What is the synonym for bounty?

donation, gift, largess, premium, prize, reward, grant, gratuity, pay, present, recompense.