What is ESI TOF?

The BioTOF II Electrospray Ionization Time-of-Flight (ESI-TOF) Mass Spectrometer is used for the study of proteins and non-covalently-bound complexes, such as drug-protein, protein-protein, and protein-ligand interactions. Its flexibility makes it ideal for proteomics, genomics, and peptide applications.

What is LC ESI MS MS?

LC-ESI-MS is a hyphenated mass spectrometry technique. This method combines the resolution of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation with the high mass accuracy of the mass spectrometer.

What is the difference between ESI and APCI?

Using this ion source, the analyte in solvent phase is passed through a charged capillary….Straight to the Source: ESI vs APCI….

Criteria APCI ESI
Ionisation Typically, only generates singularly charged ions. Soft ionisation technique allows for the formation of multiply charged ions

How does ESI ionization work?

The Principle of Electrospray Ionization ESI applies a high voltage at the outlet of the capillary, and the high electric field generated atomizes the liquid flowing out of the capillary into tiny charged droplets.

What is ESI source?

Electrospray (ESI) Source Electrospray ionization (ESI) is a mainstay of LC/MS that can be used to analyze large and small analytes. The Agilent electrospray ion source uses patented orthogonal nebulization and a heated counterflow drying gas system to achieve excellent sensitivity and robust, reliable performance.

What is GC MS and LC-MS?

Both LC-MS and GC-MS are methods to detect the compounds in crude from fungi, plant, bacteria, and others. GC-MS = for volatile compounds. LC-MS = for non volatile compounds.

What does APCI stand for?


Acronym Definition
APCI Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization
APCI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (computing)
APCI Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
APCI Affirming Pentecostal Church International (Indianapolis, IN)

How does Maldi mass spectrometry work?

MALDI is a soft ionization that involves a laser striking a matrix of small molecules to make the analyte molecules into the gas phase without fragmenting or decomposing them. Some biomolecules are too large and can decompose when heated, and traditional techniques will fragment or destroy macromolecules.

Who invented ESI?

The first use of electrospray ionization with mass spectrometry was reported by Malcolm Dole in 1968. John Bennett Fenn was awarded the 2002 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the development of electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in the late 1980s.

Why is ESI good for studying proteins?

ESI MS is particularly useful for characterizing intact proteins, as it produces multiply charged ions whose m/z values are significantly lower than their masses. As a result, detection of these ions can be accomplished using a variety of mass analyzers with relatively low m/z limits.