What would happen if you completely damaged the spinal cord at C1?

Breathing Difficulties Without immediate medical attention, C1 spinal cord injuries are typically fatal. The C3-C5 spinal nerves innervate the diaphragm, and because messages from the brain may not be able to get past the C1 level, individuals may not be able to breathe.

Can you survive a C1 spinal cord injury?

Injuries to the C1 and C2 vertebrae are rare, accounting for only 2% of spinal injuries each year. However, they are also considered to be the worst spinal cord injury that it is possible to sustain, and often fatal.

How do you heal C1?

The treatment of pain that stems from C1-C2 in the upper neck is usually nonsurgical….Nonsurgical Treatment for C1-C2

  1. Medication.
  2. Immobilization.
  3. Physical therapy.
  4. Chiropractic manipulation.
  5. Traction refers to stretching and/or realigning the spine to relieve direct nerve pressure and stress on the vertebral levels.

Can you have surgery on C1?

The dens fits within the ring of the atlas (C1) and enables rotation in your head. If the dens is fractured by a traumatic injury, you may need surgery to stabilize it. In an anterior odontoid screw fixation, the spine surgeon accesses the dens from the front of your neck.

Why are C1 and C2 injuries fatal?

In addition to the initial vertebral injury, the interference at the C1 and/or C2 level can cause the vertebral arteries to inflict neurological damage; leaving the brain without a vital source of blood. Symptoms following an injury to the cervical vertebrae C1 and C2 may include: Complete paralysis of arms and legs.

How severe is a C1 fracture?

C1 and C2 Vertebrae Breaks, Fractures, and Misalignments Atlas C1 and axis C2 injuries are the most severe because damage to the spinal cord at any level has potential to remove communication to the rest of the body below that point.

How serious is C1 fracture?

A C1 break can be very unstable. Surgery is often necessary to stabilize the vertebrae and prevent further damage. A procedure called surgical decompression may be performed.

Can a chiropractor adjust C1?

Upper cervical chiropractic care focuses on the upper two vertebrae, the atlas (C1) and the axis (C2). General chiropractic adjusts the whole spine, including the lower lumbar spine. There is evidence that gently adjusting only the upper spine leads to more consistent results, particularly for neurological concerns.

Is C1 fused to the skull?

Atlanto-occipital assimilation is the fusion of the atlas (C1) to the occiput and is one of the transitional vertebrae.