Are bigger or smaller tires better in the snow?

A smaller and narrower tire with a higher profile has better traction in deep snow and slush and is much less likely to aquaplane on the ice and in the rain. Furthermore, the smaller tire cuts through snow more effectively because the weight of the car is pressing on a more focused set of contact patches.

What width tire is best for snow?

A narrower tire does a better job in snow. As a rule of thumb, for winter tires you can reduce the width 10mm, increase the aspect ratio 10 percentage points, and get a wheel one inch smaller — in this case 215/60R16. This is called Minus One sizing.

What is the difference between 175 65R14 and 175 70R14?

The only difference between 175/70R14 and 175/65R14 is that 175/65R14 is about 2.91% smaller than 175/70R14. This means when the speedometer is showing 100kmph you are actually travelling at 97kmph.

What is the meaning of 185 70R14?

185/70 R14 (88T) is a tyre that is 185mm wide, 70 is the aspect ratio, the depth of the sidewall as a %age of the width, in this case 70% and on a 14 inch rim. The 88T is the load and speed rating. 88T means the tyre can sustain a load of 560kg at a max speed of 190kph (119mph).

Can I use 185 70R14 instead of 185 65r14?

Yes you can, but they will be taller by roughly 18.5 millimeters (. 73 inch). This will slightly change your speedometer and odometer readings.

Should I minus size my winter tires?

Downsizing your tires (aka minus sizing) can be effective for winter driving. Rather than using your factory rim and tire size, a smaller diameter wheel is matched with a more-narrow-but-taller tire. Overall, the tire is intended to be the same height as you’d choose a higher profile tire.

How do I choose winter tires?

Here are 10 tips to help you strike the right balance between your needs and your budget when purchasing your next set of winter tires.

  1. Know your tire size.
  2. Know the types of roads you drive on.
  3. Look at the tires.
  4. Ask the right questions.
  5. Choose between snow tires and ice tires.
  6. Learn about handling and braking.

Why are narrow tires better in snow?

– In the winter, narrow tires are better under extreme conditions as they provide higher surface pressure against the road. Narrow tires also work better than wider ones in loose snow and slush. Wider tires, for their part, will offer more grip on hard surfaces, Martin Dražík says.

What does P175 70R14 mean?

175/70R14 tires have a diameter of 23.6″, a section width of 6.9″, and a wheel diameter of 14″. The circumference is 74.2″ and they have 853 revolutions per mile. Generally they are approved to be mounted on 4.5-6″ wide wheels.

What does 88T mean on a tire?

The 88T is the load and speed rating. 88T means the tyre can sustain a load of 560kg at a max speed of 190kph (119mph). It is normal for the combined load for all 4 tyres to be 25% more than the mass of the car to allow for uneven load.

Can I use 185 tires instead of 175?

All of these sizes fit the stock wheel and work OK for street use. The 185/65-15 tire size is taller on the sidewall and likely to give a slightly softer ride vs the same tire in 175/65-15.