What things start with CH?
What things start with CH?
5 Letter Words Starting With Ch
Child | Chasm | Chick |
Chief | Chase | Chord |
Chuck | Chaos | Chunk |
Check | Chili | Champ |
Chain | Charm | Cheat |
What words have the CH?
CH Words
- Beginning. chair. chat. chase. check. cheese. cheer. chest. chew. child. chick. chin. cheetah. checkers. cherry.
- Middle. beach ball. catcher. crutches. grandchild. hatching. inches. ketchup. kitchen. key chain. matches. lunchbox. marching. touchdown.
- Ending. beach. couch. bench. stretch. pitch. catch. patch. reach. reach. march. touch. speech. wrench.
What is a CH word?
variable noun. Ch. is a written abbreviation for chapter. Word List. ‘international car registration letters’ English.
What are three words that start with CH?
3-letter words starting with CH
cha | ChB |
chi | CHL |
CHP | Chr |
CHS | chu |
What is the sound of CH?
In English, ch is most commonly pronounced as [tʃ], as in chalk, cheese, cherry, church, much, etc. When it represents [tʃ] word-medially or word-finally, it usually follows a consonant (belch, lunch, torch, etc.) or two vowels (beach, speech, touch, etc.).
What are the rules for CH?
Here are some simple tips to help you get it right:
- If the final ‘ch’ sound comes after a consonant, the ending is -ch.
- When the final ‘ch’ sound follows a one-letter vowel, it’s usually written -tch.
- If the final ‘ch’ sound comes after a two-letter vowel, the ending should be spelled -ch.
What words end in ICH?
7-letter words that end in ich
- ostrich.
- distich.
- eldrich.
- scraich.
- ehrlich.
- tillich.
- schlich.
- zarnich.