How do I get the resettle refugees in Fallout 4?
How do I get the resettle refugees in Fallout 4?
After destroying the Institute with the Minutemen, this quest can be periodically obtained when talking to Preston Garvey or listening to Radio Freedom. The Sole Survivor is informed of a group of Institute refugees at a military checkpoint who are looking to resettle, and is asked to assist them.
Does Preston Garvey ever stop?
If you complete the quests but refrain from talking to Preston, they won’t fail even if you take months. Originally posted by sir_geryon: If you complete the quests but refrain from talking to Preston, they won’t fail even if you take months. Yes but it is still annoying thing..
When should you retake the Castle?
Once the Sole Survivor has recruited at least four settlements to the Minutemen cause, this quest can begin. The next time Preston is talked to, he will bring up the idea of retaking the Castle, suggesting that the radio transmitter there would help with communicating with the growing number of allied settlements.
What does Preston Garvey love?
So, Garvey likes generous decisions, mean and peaceful behavior. He is especially concerned about saving people’s lives. That is why we used this theme as our key at the quest to earn his maximum affinity. He also likes building settlements, especially in the Boston area.
How do you evacuate the institute in Fallout 4?
How to Issue the Evacuation Order in Fallout 4
- Step 1)Teleport the rest of the minutemen inside. You’ll do this by accessing a console within the institute that you’ll have to load a holotape into with the coordinates for Sturges to lock on to and teleport everyone inside.
- Step 3)Issue the evacuation command.
What happens if you do Nuka world before meeting Preston?
So, what will happen if I finish Nuka World first, get perks, exterminate raiders in open session quest before even meeting Preston in concord? You’ll be fine. In fact I am pretty sure that you are fine so long as you don’t finish the quest that requires you to raid a settlement.
Are Preston garveys quests infinite?
Preston hands out an infinite number of these quests which will send you to various unexplored or already-explored locations to kill or retrieve things for settlers.
What happens if you take the castle without the Minutemen?
These will be settlements of your own however nothing obliges you to do anything in them. They just need to join the Minuteman, and you can forget about their existence entirely. You could even scrap everything and take all the resources before you leave.
Can you make Preston like you again?
You can actually finish Nuka World all the way through Power Play, finishing the NW main quest line, and then do the Freedom Museum, and sending Preston to Sanctuary. Once he gets there, he won’t be hostile, but will talk to you, and you can then do Open Season to get him to trust you.
Can you complete Nuka-World without Preston hating?
Preston will not hate you until you actually plant the flag. You can also just blow off going to Nuka-World until you get his perk.