How do you fix the view range in Revit?

Modify the View Range

  1. Open a plan view.
  2. On the Properties palette, locate the View Range parameter, and click Edit. Alternatively, enter VR on the keyboard.
  3. In the View Range dialog, modify view range properties as necessary.
  4. Click Apply to view changes.

How do I Create an RCP view in Revit?

Creating a Reflected Ceiling Plan View

  1. Click View tab Create panel Plan Views drop-down (Reflected Ceiling Plan).
  2. In the New RCP dialog, select one or more levels for which you want to create a view.
  3. If you want to create a plan view for a level that has an existing plan view, clear Do not duplicate existing views.

What is view range?

The view range is a set of horizontal planes that control the visibility and display of objects in a plan view. Video: Use the View Range. Every plan view has a property called view range, also known as a visible range. The horizontal planes that define the view range are Top, Cut Plane, and Bottom.

Where is the view range in Revit?

The View Range is made up of a primary range and the view depth. The primary range is defined by three horizontal planes: a top plane, a bottom plane and a cut plane. The top plane represents the top of the View Range and the bottom plane represents the bottom of the View Range.

What is the default view range Revit?

By default, the view depth coincides with the bottom clip plane. The following elevation shows the view range of a plan view: Top , Cut plane , Bottom , Offset (from bottom) , Primary Range , and View Depth . The plan view on the right shows the result for this view range.

Where can I find the view range in Revit?

How do I show floor plans in RCP Revit?

  1. Make a duplicate main floor plan.
  2. use VG (or apply a template) to turn off all model elements and all annotative elements.
  3. drag that view onto a sheet.
  4. drag RCP on to the sheet, overlapping.
  5. Align things, pin down.
  6. Turn off grids on the floor plan since usually the grid bubbles are not in same place.

How do I change the view size in Revit?

Right-click the activated view, and click Pan Active View. Drag the cursor to pan the view. Change the scale of the view. On the View Control Bar, for Scale, select the desired scale.

What is far clipping in Revit?

The Far Clip feature defines the depth of a view. Use it to exclude from the view any model elements that occur beyond a certain plane. 2D views: You can cut an elevation, section, or callout view at the far clip plane.