Can rainbow moonstone be faked?

Conclusion. Even being a quite common mineral, the moonstone has very high-quality and hard-to-spot fakes. Opalite (man-made glass) is the most widespread fake of moonstone.

Is Rainbow moonstone a real stone?

Rainbow moonstone is transparent labradorite, a closely related feldspar mineral with sheen in a variety of iridescent colors. Although it’s technically not moonstone, it’s similar enough that the trade has accepted it as a gem in its own right. Today some people prefer it to traditional moonstone.

Where can a rainbow moonstone be found?

Rainbow moonstone deposits are most commonly found in Australia, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, India and Mexico.

How can you tell if a moonstone is raw rainbow?

Identifying Moonstone Moonstone can be identified by the presence of adularescence. Other gems with a similar appearance do not have the phenomenal presence of adularescence which makes identification of moonstone fairly easy. Moonstone is a potassium aluminium silicate and can be easily identified by composition.

Why did my moonstone change color?

This effect is due to the interwoven properties of a separate feldspar in varying positions inside the moonstone. The Cat’s Eye phenomenon is when a strand of light seems to linger over the moonstone as you rotate it.

What does genuine moonstone look like?

The natural moonstone will have a blue luster and, most importantly, a flickering inside – an irisation. Also look at light at an angle greater than 15 degrees, as moonstone cannot refract light at an angle greater than 15 degrees. If a stone shines at different angles it is a fake.

Can rainbow moonstone get wet?

CAN I PUT MOONSTONE INTO THE WATER? Moonstone has a hardness of 6-6.5 out of 10 on the Mohs scale. This value is, of course, more than 5, but leaving the stone in water for a long time is not recommended. Water can permanently damage the stone.

What does a rainbow moonstone symbolize?

Rainbow moonstone is thought to bring balance, harmony and hope while enhancing creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. Rainbow moonstone is believed to help strengthen intuition and psychic perception, especially offering us visions of things that aren’t immediately obvious.

Which country has the best moonstone?

The finest moonstones are found mainly in Sri Lanka and Southern India. Other varieties occur Australia, Armenia, Mexico, Brazil, and the United States. The rainbow variety of moonstone can be found in India and Madagascar.

What does rainbow moonstone represent?

Is rainbow moonstone the same as moonstone?

According to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), “Rainbow moonstone is transparent labradorite, a closely related feldspar mineral with sheen in a variety of iridescent colors. Although it’s technically not moonstone, it’s similar enough that the trade has accepted it as a gem in its own right.”