What is the size of BLOB in Db2?

Maximum length of the varying-length character string, which can range from 1 to 4000. Maximum length of the BLOB string, which can range from 1 to 2147483647.

What is BLOB in Db2?

The BLOB function returns a BLOB representation of a string of any type or of a row ID type. BLOB( string-expression , integer ) The schema is SYSIBM. string-expression. An expression that returns a value that is a built-in character string, graphic string, binary string, or a row ID type.

What is the size of date in Db2?

4 byte
Internally to Db2, the date is represented as a 4 byte field, with each byte containing 2 packed decimal digits stored in the format yyyymmdd.

How do I create a BLOB column in Db2?


  1. Connect to the SAMPLE database. db2 connect to sample.
  2. Create a table with a BLOB column (col2): db2 “create table tab1 (col1 int, col2 blob)”
  3. Insert some XML data: 3.1) Place this insert statement in a file, in my case I have called the file: xml_ins. sql:
  4. Selecting the XML from the BLOB:

What is BLOB in mainframe?

Basically, BLOB is used for storing binary objects, JPG, mp3’s or AVI’s.

What is lob tablespace in DB2?

The CREATE LOB TABLESPACE statement defines a large object (LOB) table space at the current server. If your data for a table does not fit entirely within a data page, you can define one or more columns as LOB columns. Each LOB column must have an associated auxiliary table in a LOB table space.

How many bytes is integer in Db2?

i) Integer Data types – Integer occupies 4 bytes in memory and it has 31 precession and the range for this integer is -21474836482+2147493647. It occupies 4 bytes. For the bigger number, we can define INTEGER.

What is the maximum size of a varchar data type in Db2?

String Length Limits

Item Limit
Max length of CHAR 255 bytes
Max length of GRAPHIC 127 DBCS characters
Max length of BINARY 255 bytes
Max length of VARCHAR 4046 bytes for 4-KB pages 8128 bytes for 8-KB pages 16320 bytes for 16-KB pages 32704 bytes for 32-KB pages

Can Azure data/factory connect to mainframe?

This solution helps in accelerating file copy from Mainframe to Azure using Azure Data Factory FTP Connector. Azure Data Factory (ADF) is the cloud-based ETL and data integration service that allows you to create data-driven workflows for orchestrating data movement and transforming data at scale.

What are the datatypes in Db2?

Every column in every Db2 table has a data type….Different types of string or numeric comparisons might have an impact on performance.

  • String data types.
  • Numeric data types.
  • Date, time, and timestamp data types.
  • XML data type.
  • Large object data types.
  • ROWID data type.
  • Distinct types.

What is CLOB in DB2?

CLOB : Variable-length character large object string that can be up to 2GB (2,147,483,647) long. A CLOB can store single-byte character strings or multibyte, character-based data. A CLOB is considered a character string.