How do you cite art in Turabian?

In general, include the artist’s name, title of work, date it was created, name and location of where it is housed, and the access date and URL (pp. 200; 263-4). For Notes-Bibliography style, images found online should only be cited in the notes.

How do you cite an image in Turabian?

Last Name, First Name. “Title of Image.” Medium/Format. Website Title, Month Date, Year Published. URL.

How do you cite artwork?

Provide the artist’s name, the title of the artwork in italics, and the date of composition. Finally, provide the name of the institution that houses the artwork followed by the location of the institution (if the location is not listed in the name of the institution, e.g. The Art Institute of Chicago).

How do you cite a piece of art in Chicago style?

Artwork (Print or Web) Fig. #, Artist’s Last-name, First-name, “Title of Work,” Medium, Date of Creation, Location of Work-Institution/City/Owner, In Title of Print Source, by Author of Source, Page or plate/figure number, Place of Source Publication: Publisher, Date.

How do you cite an image in Chicago style?

Chicago Citation Format

  1. Photographer’s last name, first name, middle initial (if given).
  2. “Photo Title.” (Title of a song, a poem or a single photograph is in quotes, not italics.)
  3. Format (photograph).
  4. Publisher city: publishing company, copyright date (include c [circa] if given; if no date, use n.d.).

How do you cite images in Chicago?

Author First Name/Initial Surname, Image Title, Year, medium, size, Museum or place image is, Location, URL. Bibliography (don’t forget to indent the second and subsequent lines): Author Surname, First Name or Initial. Image Title.

How do I cite an image in Chicago style?

Author First Name/Initial Surname, Photograph Title, Year Photo was Taken (if provided), in Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page or plate #. Bibliography: Author Surname, First Name or Initial. Photograph Title.

How do you cite a painting in a paper?

Format: Artist’s Last Name, Artist’s First Initial. (Year). Title of painting [Description of material].

How do you give art credit?

Crediting: When reposting artwork, please tag and mention the artist at the beginning of your caption, before any other text. Don’t just tag! If you would like to repost an illustration that has been made for a specific client, please include this client in your caption too (ex.

How do you cite a painting in turabian Chicago?

Citation Styles Artist’s name (first then last), the title of the artwork (italicize titles of paintings and sculptures but set all other titles in quotation marks), creation date, repository name (including city and state).

How do you cite a picture in Chicago style 17?

Description of image/figure as it relates to your work. Format by Creator Name, “Original Title,” in/from Author, Title of Source (publication details), page number, original figure/table number. Copyright permission information if necessary.)