Is Arms warrior good for PvP?

Arms Warriors in the Current Meta In Patch 9.2 Arms Warrior has received a nerf to their passive defense and mobility, but is overall still looking to be among the best melee specializations for rated PvP in the 3v3 bracket, but can feel like a struggle in the 2v2 bracket against the current meta.

Is arms better than Fury PvP?

2s or 3s fury is better than arms in 2s atm and so/so in 3s. They are both very even at the moment across the board tho. Arms is getting whacked atm by everything that moves, but still has decent tools for victory. Fury has more dmg which is something arms is lacking atm from the trinket set bonus change.

What does more DPS arms or fury?

While Fury sometimes overtakes Arms as the primary DPS spec in either PvP or PvE, historically speaking, Arms always manages to get an edge due to better tools overall. In PvP, Arms Warriors are one of the best melee DPS specs in the game, providing a lot of damage, durability, and utility.

Are Warriors good in PvP?

I once asked around how people rated the plate classes for solo PvP, and this is what they said: Warrior = WORST solo PvP class in the game. Death Knight = Not as bad as Warrior, but the 2nd worst. Paladin = One of the top classes in WoW for solo PvP.

Is fury or Arms more fun?

Overall players have mentioned that playing fury is just more fun. Fury shines the most when you have no healers and are playing solo. The melee rotations are quite easy to master. However, it cannot deal as much damage as arms in most scenarios.

Is fury better than arms?

How much hit rating does an Arms warrior need TBC?

Unlike Fury Warriors, but similar to Protection Warriors, Arms Warriors must reach 9% Hit Chance – 142 Hit Rating – to avoid missing their target.

Is Arms viable in TBC?

They rely on their strength and incredible toughness to guide them through the thick of battle. Warriors are less flexible than other classes, but are tougher and capable of dealing devastating damage to their enemies much more quickly. Improved Slam talent, Arms Warrior becomes an extremely viable raiding spec.