What does RotoMetrics do?

RotoMetrics enables the efficient conversion of substrates into individual labels and parts, through customized cutting solutions. Located in St. Louis, Missouri, RotoMetrics expands its global reach by joining the Maxcess family.

Who bought RotoMetrics?

Sentinel Capital Partners
EUREKA, MO—Sentinel Capital Partners, a private equity firm that invests in promising companies, Wednesday announced its acquisition of RotoMetrics, a leading global provider of precision rotary tooling and accessories.

What is a flexible die?

5* Flexible Dies are Laser hardened and surface treated for increased durability. These dies offer enhanced die life for a wide range of applications, including abrasive materials.

What is a rotary die?

Rotary die cutting is a special kind of die cutting that uses a cylindrical die to cut shapes out of material. It moves around and around in a circular motion and has blades to cut out the desired shape around the entirety of the cylinder.

How flexible die are made?

A flexible die is made of a thin sheet of steel, and folds around a magnetic cylinder. A solid die is a solid steel cylinder, and is traditionally used in more long run applications for extended die life.

What is flatbed cutting?

Flatbed Die-Cutting is the process of cutting or perforating the desired shape out of material using a hydraulic flatbed press. Generally, flatbed die-cutting is good for: Low volume projects of consistent cut. Larger sized products. Cutting products from sheeted materials.

What is a Kisscut?

What is a kiss cut sticker? Kiss cut stickers, on the other hand, are cut through the vinyl layer only. The paper backing stays intact. This means that you can only peel a part of the sticker from the backing. You can still choose a custom shape, but kiss cut stickers will have extra backing around the sticker.

What is Mirrorkote sticker?

Mirror coated stickers or more popularly called as Mirrorkote stickers in Singapore, it is a cast coated paper with a mirror-like gloss on its surface.

What is JDM sticker?

JDM stands for “Japanese Domestic Market,” meaning cars and parts made specifically for the Japanese market. Many U.S.-based Japanese car enthusiasts install JDM parts in their Hondas or Acuras to improve their car’s performance and features.

Is sticker bombing art?

Sticker bombing is a form of graffiti art. A common form of sticker bombing involves covering the whole or part of a vehicle in an assortment of colourful adhesive vinyl stickers. The persons who perform sticker bombing are known as sticker artists.
