Can you add tags to pages in WordPress?

Similarly, you can add tags for your WordPress page under the ‘Tags’ field. If you want to add multiple tags, then simply separate them using a comma. For example, you can add keywords and phrases that help describe your content.

How do I create a tag page in WordPress?

3. Create Your Own Tag Page

  1. Step 1 – Create a new Page template and name it something appropriate like tag-page.
  2. Step 2 – Make it a template by giving it a template name like “Tag Page.” Do this by putting the following at the TOP of your file:
  3. Step 3 – Copy your default page.

How do I edit a tag page in WordPress?

Step (1) − Click on Posts → Tags in WordPress. Edit − Click on Edit option in Tags section as shown in the following screen. You can edit any of the required field, and then click on Update button as shown in the following screen.

How do I add a tag in pages?

On any existing page, click on the Settings button and select the Document tab. You will now see a Categories and Tag option appear in the settings. Simply click on one of them and you will be presented with the same options as a post. Choose a category for your page.

How do you use tags in WordPress?

How to Add Tags in WordPress

  1. From your admin dashboard, go to Posts -> Add New.
  2. On the right side of your visual editor, find the tags box.
  3. Type in the tags you want to add. Each different tag must be separated by a comma.

What is a tag page in WordPress?

WordPress tags is one of the tools you can use to group your posts, based on similar details. Usually, tags are located under a post or in the sidebar. When a visitor clicks a particular tag, WordPress will open an archive page (tag page) – indexing all the posts and custom post types that have the same tags.

What is a tag page?

Overview. A page tag is a tool that allows you to mark or categorize a page or groups of pages on your website. Page tags allow you to identify, with greater ease and in more business-relevant terms, what your website visitors are accessing.

How do tags work on WordPress?

A WordPress tag is one of the default tools you can use categorize your WordPress posts. Each post can contain multiple tags and visitors can click on a tag to find similar posts that have that same tag. Unlike WordPress categories, tags are completely optional.