What is Nigrescence theory?

Nigrescence is a word with a Latin origin. It describes a process of becoming black or developing a racial identity. Nigrescence extends through history by those victimized by racism and white supremacy. Psychological adaptations instigated identity formation for persons of African American descent.

What does private regard mean?

Private regard is defined as the extent to which an individual feels positively or negatively toward the African American community as well as how she/he feels about being a member of this community.

What is the multidimensional model of black identity?

The Multidimensional Model of Racial Identity (MMRI) represents a synthesis of the strengths of these two approaches. The underlying assumptions associated with the model are explored. The model proposes 4 dimensions of African American racial identity: salience, centrality, regard, and ideology.

What is public and private regard?

The present study examines private regard (i.e., youths’ positive evaluations of their ethnic group) as well as public regard, which refers to their perceptions of others’ evaluations of the group.

What is multidimensional identity?

Multidimensional Identity Model: Advancement in the Study of Multiple Identities. All individuals possess a diverse set of social identities that shape how they view themselves, others, and the world around them, whether they are conscious of those identities or not (Jones & Abes, 2013).

What is cross racial identity scale?

The CERIS-A measures seven ethnic-racial identity attitudes-assimilation, miseducation, self-hatred, anti-dominant, ethnocentricity, multiculturalist inclusive, and ethnic-racial salience.

Who is Jean Phinney?

Jean Phinney developed a model of Ethnic Identity based on Erikson’s theory of development, following Marcia’s ego-identity theory (please read Shaun Diehl’s summary) and other models of ethnic identity, and applied it among high school and college students from a diverse ethnic background born in America (Bernal & …

Who developed Nigrescence?

He is best known for his nigrescence model, first detailed in a 1971 publication, and his book, Shades of Black, published in 1991….

William E. Cross Jr.
Alma mater University of Denver (BA) Princeton University (Ph.D)
Known for Clinical psychology, nigrescence model, racial identity development