What is some skateboarding lingo?

Fakie: Riding fakie is when you’re in your normal stance and rolling backward. Flat / flatbottom: Any flat surface at the bottom of a transition. Frontside: In general, a trick executed with the skater’s front facing the ramp or obstacle. Also, when you rotate the front of your body in the direction you’re riding.

What do you call someone who loves skateboarding?

Skaters can sometimes be called “boarders,” but usually only when someone wants to sound clever, such as the organization “Boarders for Christ” or a store called “Boarders Skate Shop.”

What does Joes mean in skateboarding?

Having done various themes since such as “Goofy vs. Regular,” this year’s idea was a really cool one. “Pros vs. Joes” meaning you could have been a random unknown talent and have a chance to skate against your favorite pro in a opportunity to make your dreams of breaking onto the skate scene in a major way a reality.

Who is the target audience for skateboarding?

Skateboarding appeals to all kinds of people. Although a majority of skaters are teenage males, a visit to any popular skatepark will present a diverse collection of patrons. In 2009 there were 9,281,500 skateboarders in the United States.

What does snake mean in skateboarding?

Snaking occurs when you drop in on another skateboarder while they are in the middle of their run. It is the single largest cause of collisions. If you accidentally snake someone, get out of their way as soon as possible and apologize.

What is the opposite of a skater boy?

skater girl
Skater boy can now be used positively for a guy genuinely dedicated to skateboarding as a sport or lifestyle. The female counterpart to a skater boy is a skater girl, often used to deride young women who want to date skater boys by imitating their look and demeanor.

What is an acid drop?

An acid drop is a trick in which a skateboarder rides off of a ledge and stays on the board without doing an ollie. The skater should try to maintain momentum so that after landing, the board hits the ground smoothly and continues rolling.

What is Cherry’s real name SK8?

Kaoru Sakurayashiki
Kaoru Sakurayashiki ( 桜屋敷 さくらやしき 薫 かおる , Sakurayashiki Kaoru?), known in “S” as Cherry Blossom (チェリーブロッサム, Cherīburossamu?), is a character in the SK8 the Infinity anime series. A skilled skater and founding member of “S”, he uses his AI board to skate in a calculated and logical fashion.

How old is the average skater?

Average age of the first 9 years: 21.67. Average age of the last 9 years: 23.56. Yes, pro skateboarders are getting older like am skateboarders.

What do you say to a skater girl?

To talk like a skater, call things “sick,” “rad,” or “insane” when you think they’re really awesome. If you’re really excited about something, tell people you’re “stoked,” and if you’re feeling tired, say that you’re ready to “crash” for the day.