How does pilot communicate?

The most common form of communication in aviation, very high frequency (VHF) radio calls are what we use for around 95% of our communications with ATC. In simplified terms, the transmitting station sends a signal that travels in a straight line and is picked up by the receiving station.

What is the single most important thing in pilot controller communication?

The single, most important thought in pilot‐controller communications is understanding. It is essential, therefore, that pilots acknowledge each radio communication with ATC by using the appropriate aircraft call sign.

How does CPDLC communicate?

CPDLC is a two-way data-link system by which controllers can transmit non urgent ‘strategic messages to an aircraft as an alternative to voice communications. The message is displayed on a flight deck visual display. The CPDLC application provides air-ground data communication for the ATC service.

What do approach controllers communicate to pilots during arrival?

The center controllers provide your pilot with updated weather and air-traffic information. They also give directions to your pilot regarding such aspects as speed and altitude to maintain a safe separation between aircraft within their sector.

What are used to communicate to the pilot the position status of each individual landing gear at any time?

Gear indicators are another safety device. They are used to communicate to the pilot the position status of each individual landing gear at any time.

How do you listen to the pilot conversation?

If you’ve got nothing better to do on one night, visit, where anyone with a computer or smartphone and a passing interest in aviation can listen to control towers live, worldwide, and in full action. Student pilots use it to listen to their local airport to get accustomed to the myriad radio calls required.

What is the difference between fans and CPDLC?

CPDLC (Controller Pilot Data Link Communication) is the text-messaging component of FANS 1/A, and it allows two-way, digital communication between ATC and pilots when the aircraft is out of range of the analog-based VHF (very high frequency) or HF (high frequency) voice-radio communications.


CPDLC can be used by itself, without ADS-C, and can be transmitted via VHF of SatCom with relatively low latency – basically the message gets where it need to go right away with practically un-noticeable delay. CPDLC text messages are entered on the flight crews CDU (control display unit) keypad.