How do I limit revisions in WordPress?

Limit WordPress post revisions manually To limit post revisions, simply add this code to your WordPress site’s wp-config. php file. define( ‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’ , 10 ); Don’t forget to replace 10 with the number of revisions you want to keep for each post.

How do I use revisions in WordPress?

Whenever you save, update, or publish a post or page, WordPress creates a new revision rather than simply overwriting the old version. You can see the number of revisions that have been made under the ‘Document’ panel on the post or page edit screen. Clicking on ‘Revisions’ will take you to the post revisions screen.

Does WordPress have version control?

What is WordPress Version Control? A version control system tracks changes to a file (or files) over time so that you can see how things have changed and, if needed, revert to a previous version. Applied to WordPress, version control lets you track changes that you, or others, make to your site.

How do I turn off post revisions?

In order to disable post revisions permanently, locate your WordPress site’s wp-config. php file that’s located in the root directory. Add the following line of code at the very top: define( ‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, false );

What is version press?

VersionPress is a free and open-source plugin that brings the full power of Git to WordPress. Its key strength is that it version-controls not just files but also the database.

How do I install WordPress VersionPress?


  1. Log in to the admin screens.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload.
  3. Choose or drag&drop versionpress-. zip to that page.
  4. Click Install Now.
  5. Activate the plugin.
  6. Finish the activation process by going into the new VersionPress section in the administration and clicking the Activate button.

How many types of post are there?

It is basically classified into 3 types, namely – Head Post office, Sub Post Office and Branch Post Office.