How do you check if a value is an integer in PHP?

The is_int() function checks whether a variable is of type integer or not. This function returns true (1) if the variable is of type integer, otherwise it returns false.

How do you check if an integer is within a range of numbers in PHP?

PHP range() Function

  1. Create an array containing a range of elements from “0” to “5”: $number = range(0,5); print_r ($number);
  2. Return an array of elements from “0” to “50” and increment by 10. $number = range(0,50,10);
  3. Using letters – return an array of elements from “a” to “d” $letter = range(“a”,”d”);

How check value is decimal or not in PHP?

The PHP is_numeric() function can be used to find whether a variable is numeric. The function returns true if the variable is a number or a numeric string, false otherwise.

How do I echo an integer in PHP?

Use Inline Variable Parsing to Convert an Integer to a String in PHP. When an integer is used inside a string to display the string , it is already converted to a string before display. Copy $integer = 5; echo “The string is $integer”; The variable $integer is used in a string to display its value.

What is spaceship operator PHP?

The spaceship operator is used for comparing two expressions. It returns -1, 0 or 1 when $a is respectively less than, equal to, or greater than $b . Comparisons are performed according to PHP’s usual type comparison rules.

How do you find the range of an array?

Approach: Find the maximum and minimum element from the given array and calculate the range and the coefficient of range as follows:

  1. Range = Max – Min.
  2. Coefficient of Range = (Max – Min) / (Max + Min)

How do you check whether a value is decimal or not?

You can multiply it by 10 and then do a “modulo” operation/divison with 10, and check if result of that two operations is zero. Result of that two operations will give you first digit after the decimal point. If result is equal to zero then the number is a whole number.

How do you know if a number is a decimal or not?

function number_test(n) { var result = (n – Math. floor(n)) !== 0; if (result) return ‘Number has a decimal place. ‘; else return ‘It is a whole number.

What is Strval in PHP?

The strval() function returns the string value of a variable.