What is Post dengue?

Muscle, bone and joint pain is a common symptom of dengue. But at times it does not go away immediately after the recovery. It is referred to as polyarthralgia (multiple joint pain) and myalgia (muscle pain), a condition that persists for several days after recovery.

What precautions should be taken after dengue fever?

Some of the food recommendations to be followed in case of dengue include: – Inclusion of nutrient-rich fluids like ORS, sugar cane juice, coconut water and fruit juices. – Inclusion of dairy products in the diet. Eggs, chicken and fish are highly recommended for dengue patients and help combat the virus.

How many days rest is required after dengue fever?

Take enough rest All dengue survivors, especially those who spent time in the ICU (Intensive care unit) should take at least a couple of weeks’ rest at home before resuming their normal schedules. Travelling and work need to be avoided during this time. Sleep at least eight hours a day.

What are the post effects of dengue?

Dengue leaves some long term ill effects including hair fall, alopecia, joint pain and muscle pain. As per a study which was published in April 2013 edition of Nature, around 390 million people are infected with dengue virus every year, globally.

Can dengue happen again after recovery?

Yes, dengue can strike you again and again. You can get infected with dengue not once, twice but multiple times, with each subsequent infection being deadlier than the ones before.

Can I do exercise after dengue?

In this recovery phase it is necessary to include exercise in your daily regime which could include walking or lightweight exercise or also free hand exercises. Start with walking at a slow pace, the slower you start the better it goes for the body.

Does dengue stay in your system forever?

Medical care aims to manage the symptoms and reduce the risk of complications while the person recovers. Most cases of uncomplicated dengue virus resolve fully within one to two weeks. During this time, your doctor may advise: bed rest.

How do you know if you are recovering from dengue?

Most people fully recover from dengue fever, although the weakness and fatigue may last for several weeks. After infection with one of the four strains of dengue fever, the body is immune to that strain of the virus, and temporarily immune to the other strains for about a year.

Can I exercise after dengue?

What is the last stage of dengue?

Dengue begins abruptly after a typical incubation period of 5–7 days, and the course follows 3 phases: febrile, critical, and convalescent.

Can a person be affected by dengue twice?

It is possible to get dengue more than once. Dengue is caused by a virus which has four different strains. Being affected by one strain offers no protection against the others. A person can suffer from dengue more than once in her/his lifetime.

Does dengue virus stay in your body forever?

There is no human-to-human dengue fever transmission. Once a mosquito is infected, it remains infected for its life span. A human can infect mosquitoes when the human has a high number of viruses in the blood (right before symptoms develop).