Is the poodle moth real?

The Venezuelan poodle moth is an as-yet unidentified moth photographed in 2009 by Kyrgyzstani zoologist Dr. Arthur Anker in the Gran Sabana region of Venezuela. The name derives from a comparison of its physical appearance to a cross between a moth and a poodle.

Are silk moths and poodle moths the same?

Another species that was often confused for the poodle moth was the domesticated “silkmoth,” whose fibers provide silk used in clothing and textiles. They’re also super-cute! Although they look similar, the silkmoth (seen above) and the poodle moth are not the same.

What does a Venezuelan poodle moth look like?

The bizarre, white creature with bulging, black eyes and strange, brown antennae is a seeming blend between a large moth and a fluffy white poodle, but is in fact a real creature.

How much are poodle moths?

Should be in the $12 to $14 range.

What does a poodle moth eat?

However, if this showy critter is indeed a neotropical relative of the muslin moth, it’s much more benign: Such moths feed on herbaceous plants and cause little trouble.

What are the fluffy moths?

Megalopygidae, known to mortals as the Flannel Moths are one of the most interesting, amazing and talked about moth family made up from 11 known species. From caterpillars to hatching as moths, these insect look like tiny fur-balls, hence the nickname of their larvae “puss caterpillars”.

Can you raise poodle moths?

So: can you own/raise a “Poodle Moth”? No, probably not… but only in name. You can, however, very easily raise Bombyx Mori, which is what almost everyone thinks of/finds when looking for the Poodle Moth, by raising silkworms.

What moths can you keep as pets?

6 Furry Moths You Could Easily Take for a Pet

  • Useless Fact: Never Touch Anything That Looks Like Donald Trump’s Hair. Acraga Coa Moths (“Jewel Moths”)
  • Venezuelan Poodle Moth.
  • (the only photo of the Venezuelan Poodle Moth by Dr.
  • Tolype Moth.
  • Pink-Striped Oakworm Moth.
  • Unlike other species, these moths mate in the morning.