How do you add editable text to PowerPoint?

  1. On the Home tab, under Insert, click Text.
  2. On the pop-up menu, click Text Box.
  3. On the slide, click the location where you want to add the text box.
  4. Type or paste your text in the text box.

How do I make a master slide editable?

Change the slide master

  1. Select View > Slide Master.
  2. Make the text, color, and alignment changes you want. If you want to use a predefined theme, select that first by clicking Themes on the Slide Master tab.
  3. When you’re done, select Close Master View.

How do I make a read-only PowerPoint editable?

Click “Protect Presentation” and select “Mark as Final.” This acts as a toggle selection. If the presentation was read-only, it will now be editable, and if it was not protected, the Mark as Final option is now enabled.

What is the difference between text placeholder and text boxes?

PowerPoint Placeholders are different than Shapes and Text Boxes as they are inserted, edited and managed in the Slide Master View. You can identify them by the “Click to add title” or “Click to add text” prompt text. You can also spot them by the icons displayed in their center, which allow you to insert: Tables.

How do you add text to slide master?

Add a text box to the Slide Master by selecting the Insert tab on the Ribbon and then clicking the Text Box button (found in the Text group). Click where you want to add the text. Type the text that you want to appear on each slide. For example, Call 1-800-555-NERD today!

What does a slide master enable a user to do?

It enables a user to view and adjust slide timings while practicing a presentation in a slideshow format.

How do I unlock the master slide in PowerPoint?

Select the PowerPoint slide/s containing locked shape(s) you need to unlock, then click ‘Unlock objects’ (Found beneath the Lock Object icon on the PPT Productivity Ribbon). The file will close momentarily and reopen (you need to first save your document to a local drive).

How do I enable editing in PowerPoint?

Share and collaborate with PowerPoint

  1. Select Share on the ribbon.
  2. Enter the names or email addresses of the people you want to share with. Or select the drop-down to change permissions. Allow editing is checked by default.
  3. Include a message if you’d like and select Send.

How do I turn off read-only?

Disabling Read-Only Settings

  1. Locate the file or folder you want to unlock.
  2. Right-click on the file or folder and select Properties.
  3. Uncheck Read-Only.
  4. Uncheck Hidden.
  5. Click OK.
  6. If prompted, select the Apply changes to this folder, subfolders, and files radio button.
  7. Click OK.

What are the two types of Text Boxes you can create in PowerPoint?

PowerPoint has three types of text containers:

  • Text placeholders,
  • Text boxes, and.
  • Shapes.