Why do we have intelligence oversight?
Why do we have intelligence oversight?
The purpose of Intelligence Oversight is to enable DoD components performing authorized intelligence functions to carry out those functions in a manner that protects the constitutional rights of U.S. Persons. DoD Manual 5240.01 established the rules and procedures for collecting data on U.S. Persons.
What army regulation covers intelligence oversight?
The DCS, G–2 will— (1) As the Army senior official of the intelligence community (IC), exercise Army staff responsibility for intelli- gence oversight and be responsible for the propriety of U.S. Army intelligence activities, under the provisions of AR 10–5.
What is a questionable intelligence activity?
“Questionable Intelligence Activity (QIA),” as defined by DOD 5240.1-R., is any intelligence or intelligence-related activity that may be unlawful or contrary to the references or other executive order, presidential directive, or applicable DoD policy governing those activities.
What is the responsibility of mission oversight and compliance?
Director, Mission Oversight and Compliance (D/MOC)/SCOP. a. Coordinates with stakeholders to ensure NGA processes responses to Covered Requests in a timely, efficient, and compliant manner, with assistance from the General Counsel (GC) and other officers as necessary.
How did intelligence oversight procedures come about?
Background: President Ronald Reagan was concerned about the misuse of government power during the ’60s and ’70s and with national security. In 1981, President Reagan signed Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence Activities, which established the Intelligence Oversight Program.
When should you report a QIA?
Quarterly reports are due by the 15th day of the month following the end of the quarter, unless other arrangements have been approved by the DoD SIOO. Quarterly reports will describe all QIAs, S/HSMs, and crimes required by E.O. 12333 to be reported to the U.S. Attorney General that were identified during the quarter.
Which document governs US intelligence activities and continues the requirement for intelligence oversight?
EO 12333 is the current Intelligence Oversight executive order. The Department of Defense implemented and amplified that executive order in DoDM 5240.01, Procedures Governing the Conduct of DoD Intelligence Activities.
Which organization performs the president’s oversight responsibility for intelligence?
The National Security Council’s (NSC) Office of Intelligence Programs (OIP) provides routine oversight and intelligence policy for the intelligence community.
How long can intentionally collected Uspi?
5 years
For intentionally collected USPI, those records may, if necessary, only be retained for evaluation for up to 5 years.
Which Department of Defense official has primary management oversight responsibility over the intelligence agencies falling under DoD?
The DoD SIOO is responsible for the independent oversight of all intelligence, counterintelligence, and intelligence-related activities in the Department of Defense.
When was intelligence oversight created?
Enacted on September 21, 1980, The Intelligence Oversight Act of 1980 provided that the heads of intelligence agencies would keep the oversight committees “fully and currently informed” of their activities including “any significant anticipated intelligence activity.” Detailed ground rules were established for …
Does CIA have oversight?
Oversight Arrangements within the Executive Branch CIA is the only intelligence agency with an internal IG who is presidentially-appointed and Senate-confirmed and who is required by law to make reports directly to the oversight committees.