What fuel is 1993 placard?

Diesel n.o.s.
UN 1993 Flammable Liquid Placard — Diesel n.o.s. Get specific when shipping potentially dangerous liquids with Labelmaster’s UN 1993 (Diesel n.o.s.)Flammable Liquid Placards.

What UN Number is 1993?

Flammable liquid placards display UN 1203 or UN 1993, hazard class 3, and meet hazmat placarding requirements.

What does code 1203 mean?

UN 1203 Flammable Liquid Placard — Gasoline or Petrol.

Is 1203 a diesel?

It is not a separate type of diesel for the purposes of carriage. ‘Red diesel’ is coloured for fuel taxation purposes rather than safety….Interpretation of CDG 2009.

UN Number Name and description
1203 Motor spirit or gasoline or petrol
1202 Gas oil or diesel fuel or heating oil, light (flash-point not more than 60 °C)

What does placard 1992 mean?

1992 Placard – Class 3 Flammable Liquid.

What is the placard for diesel fuel?

DOT Placard #V1993 for Diesel Fuel, Fuel Oil, N.O.S.

What class is NA1993?

Emergency Response Guide No. !…Substances with similar name.

UN-Number Name Hazard Class
NA 1993 Combustible liquid, n.o.s. Comb liq

What does un1219 mean?

UN 1219 Flammable Liquid Placard — Isopropanol Get specific when shipping potentially dangerous liquids with Labelmaster’s UN 1219 (Isopropanol) Flammable Liquid Placards.

What does UN1072 mean?

What is UN1072? UN1072 is used for domestic shipping of Hazard Class 2.2 – Oxygen, Compressed or Oxygen, Refrigerated Liquid (see 49 CFR 172.530).

Can a 1203 placard diesel haul?

The letter was prompted by confusion over whether cargo tank trailers hauling a full load of diesel could be labeled with a 1203 gasoline placard. The PHMSA letter states definitively that full diesel loads cannot carry a 1203 placard.

What is un1202?

UN No. 1202. NAME and description. GAS OIL or DIESEL FUEL or HEATING OIL, LIGHT (flash- point more than 60 °C and not more than 100 °C) Class.

What is 1987 on a HazMat placard?

UN 1987 Flammable Liquid Placard – Alcohols, (Ethanol), n.o.s.