Which are hairlike projections from cells that move with a wavelike motion?
Which are hairlike projections from cells that move with a wavelike motion?
Flagella are long projections that move in a whip-like motion. Flagella and cilia are the major means of locomotion in unicellular organisms. 1. What part of the cell produces vesicles for export?
Which structures are hairlike projections on the cell surface?
Cilia, tail-like projections found on the surface of cells, are perhaps best known as molecular flippers that help cells move around. Johns Hopkins researchers and colleagues have found a previously unrecognized role for tiny hair-like cell structures known as cilia: They help form our sense of touch.
What is a hairlike structure used for movement?
Cilia are tiny hairlike structures that have the capacity for movement. Cilia are often used to move things across the membrane rather than to move…
What are short projections that help with movement?
Cilia are short projections from the cell surface that are filled along their length with microtubules. Sliding microtubules past one another provides a bending action that causes the whole cilia projection to change its shape.
What are the short numerous hairlike projections that move in a wavelike motion to propel the cell?
The Cell
A | B |
Cilia | Short, numerous hairlike projections that move in a wavelike motion |
Flagella | Longer projections that move with a whiplike motion |
Granum | Stack of thylakoids |
Chromoplasts | Synthisize and store pigments such as yellow, orange and red |
What are short hairlike projections used for locomotion?
Biology Chp 7 Test
A | B |
These are short, hairlike projections used for locomotion. | cilia |
These are the structures in plants that transform light energy into chemical energy. | chloroplasts |
The network of tiny rods and filaments that forms a framework for the cell is called what? | cytoskeleton |
What are short hairlike structures that help move a cell?
Flagella and Cilia The flagella (singular = flagellum) are long, hair-like structures that extend from the plasma membrane and enable an entire cell to move (for example, sperm, Euglena, and some prokaryotes). When present, the cell has just one flagellum or a few flagella.
What is the hair like structure in cell?
Tiny hairlike organelles called cilia cover many cells from single-celled microorganisms to mammalian tissue. Motile cilia beat actively generating cilia-driven flows.
What hairlike projection is attached to paramecium?
Cilia – Cilia are little hair like projections that are just a continuation of the cell surface membrane. The two main functions of the cilia are for movement and for ingesting food.
What are long projections that move in a whiplike motion to help a cell move *?
What is cilia structure?
Cilia Structure Cilia are made up of microtubules coated by the plasma membrane. Each cilium comprises nine pairs of microtubules that form the outside ring and two central microtubules. This structure is called an axoneme. The nine outer pairs are made up of motor proteins called dynein.