What is Pravahika?
What is Pravahika?
According to Ayurveda, it can be correlated to the disease Pravahika which manifests in the form of Atipravahana of Purisha (repeated defecation), Atidrava Purisha Pravritti (watery stool), Udarashoola (pain abdomen), Picchila, Saphena (sticky and frothy), and Raktayukta Purisha[2] (blood-mixed stool).
What is Snehanam?
The use of medicated oils, either internally or externally, is called Snehan (oleation). Snehan refers to the administration of medicated fats or the massage of oil over the skin for a specific period.
Can we sleep during Snehapana?
Do not sleep during day time. If needed, you can sit and snooze in a chair. Abstain from sexual activities. Yoga or exercises should not be practised from the second day of ghee therapy.
What is Visuchika Ayurveda?
Cholera is known as Vishuchika in Ayurvedic parlance which is caused by Vibrio cholerae, a waterborne organism which contaminates rivers and wells.
What is Ayurveda Atisara?
Atisara -Acute diarrhea is a condition in which one passes liquid motions frequently. From the Treatment point of view Atisara can be classified in two groups viz. Amatisara and Pakvatisara.
When do you stop Snehapana?
Snehapana can be stopped if Samyak snigdha lakshana are observed before the above mentioned period. The patient should wash the face and mouth with hot water to remove the taste of sneha. Pathya is to be followed.
What is vamana treatment?
Vamana is a procedure in which Doshas (waste products or toxins) are eliminated through upper channels i.e. mouth. [1] Specially the Kapha and Pitta Dosha brought to Amashaya (stomach and duodenum) from all over the body by the specific preoperative procedures and then eliminated out by inducing the emesis.
What should we eat after Snehapana?
Method 2. During sunrise, Snehapana is administered in hrusva matra and satmya ahara (compatible food, preferably rice gruel) is given after 30 to 45 minutes.
What is Visuchika called in English?
This is the definition of visuchika by ayurvedic physicians. – The infectious disease caused by taking contaminated water and food resulting in watery diarrhea is called cholera which is caused by the comma-shaped bacterium vibrio cholera. Cholera, if untreated it may lead to death.
What is Ajirna?
Ajirna is the state of incomplete process of digestion of ingested food. The main reason for indigestion is the deranged functions of Agni. Incomplete digestion and metabolism due to disturbed digestive fire leads to formation of under processed state of food termed as ajirna [1].
What is Kutajghan Vati used for?
Planet Ayurveda Kutajghan Vati is especially used to relieve conditions like dysentery and excessive diarrhea. It can also relieve ulcerative colitis and even irritable bowel syndrome. Since olden times, Ayurvedic physicians have used this remedy to obtain marvelous results.
What is Piccha Basti?
Piccha basti reduces inflammation due to its grahi, Deepana dravya and picchila guna. it also improve the function of apana vata. A use of piccha basti, Deepana, pachana dravya, and along with the dietary modifications gives maximum relief in Celiac disease.