What is HandlerMethodArgumentResolver?

public interface HandlerMethodArgumentResolver. Strategy interface for resolving method parameters into argument values in the context of a given request.

What is spring DataBinder?

Spring data binding mechanism allows user input to be dynamically bound to the beans. In other words it allows for setting property values into a target object. The class DataBinder provides this functionality.

What is @InitBinder used for?

@InitBinder plays the role to identify the methods which used to initialize WebDataBinder . Initbinder is usually used to bind requestParams to custom objects.

What is a DataBinder?

public class DataBinder extends Object implements PropertyEditorRegistry, TypeConverter. Binder that allows for setting property values on a target object, including support for validation and binding result analysis.

What is the use of WebDataBinder?

WebDataBinder is used to populate form fields onto beans. An init binder method initializes WebDataBinder and registers specific handlers, etc on it. In this case the @InitBinder method initializes the binder and registers context(locale) specific handlers, editors, etc.

What is InitBinder annotation in spring?

Annotation Type InitBinder Annotation that identifies methods that initialize the WebDataBinder which will be used for populating command and form object arguments of annotated handler methods.

What is BeanWrapper in Java?

BeanWrapper is an interface and normally is not used directly. It is used by BeanFactory and DataBinder. BeanWrapper plays with java beans to manipulate it. It sets and gets value from java beans by the method BeanWrapper. setPropertyValue and BeanWrapper.

What is the use of AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer?

AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer. Creates a new instance that assumes the Spring Security configuration is loaded by some other means than this class. For example, a user might create a ContextLoaderListener using a subclass of AbstractContextLoaderInitializer .

What is the use of @EnableWebSecurity?

The @EnableWebSecurity enables the web securities defined by WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter automatically. To override web securities defined by WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter in our Java configuration class, we need to extend this class and override its methods.